Jan 16 1968

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U.S.S.R. successfully launched Cosmos CXCIX. Orbital parame­ters: apogee, 221 km (137 mi) ; perigee, 159 km (99 mi) ; period, 88.2 min; inclination, 65.5°. Satellite reentered Feb. 1. (Krasnaya Zoez, 1/18/68; GSFC SSR, 1/31/68; 2/15/68)

Two NASA Nike-Cajun sounding rockets launched from NASA Wallops Station carried payloads to 85-mi (137-km) and 88-mi (141-km) alti­tudes to investigate D region electron density during solar x-ray flare. Rocket and instrument performance was satisfactory. Preliminary data indicated launches were accomplished during period of decreasing solar activity. (NASA Rpt SRL)

France had successfully test-fired LEX, improved, single-stage experimen­tal hybrid sounding rocket which used liquid oxidizer and inert solid propellant. Developed by Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales (ONERA), French space agency, LEX could carry 14-lb payload with meteorological experiment to 115-km (71-mi) altitude. (SBD, 1/16/68, 74)

NASA awarded NAR Rocketdyne Div. $14,796,400 cost-plus-incentive-fee contract for engineering support services for H-1 engines to power Sat­urn IB 1st stage. Contract covered period of July 1967 through June 1971. (MSFC Release 68-9)

British Prime Minister Harold Wilson, speaking to House of Commons on long-range spending cuts to restore financial confidence, announced withdrawal of U.K.'s military forces east of Suez by end of 1971 and cancellation of agreement to purchase 50 F-111 aircraft from U.S. for $875 million. F-111 aircraft order cancellation was expected to have adverse effect on cooperation between U.K. and U.S. in defense produc­tion. To obtain U.K. purchase agreement of $2.9 billion for F-111, F-4, and C-130 aircraft plus Polaris spare parts, U.S. had agreed to purchase $425 million worth of defense items from U.K. by FY 1977 and to help U.K. obtain additional $400 million in cooperative arms sales to third countries. (Lewis, NYT, 1/17/68, 1; Sheehan, NYT, 1/17/68, 15)

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