Dec 30 1970

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USN F-14 Tomcat fighter aircraft crashed and burned after developing hydraulic problem during second flight from Grumman Corp. test flight facility at Calverton, N.Y. Aircraft had made maiden flight Dec. 21. Grumman Corp. officials and engineers said aircraft was not downed by major design errors. Both pilots ejected at 90 m (300 ft) and parachuted to safety. (Hoffman, W Post, 12/31/ 70, A1)

DOD proposal to save Lockheed Aircraft Corp. from bankruptcy by adding $1.45 billion to Government payments on four Lockheed contracts was outlined by David M. Packard, Deputy Secretary of Defense, in letter to Sen. John C. Stennis (D-Miss.), Chairman of Senate Armed Forces Committee. (DOD Release 1057-70; Text)

Dr. Carl McIntire, head of International Council of Christian Churches and Fundamentalist Bible Presybterian Church, had announced purchase of property in city of Cape Canaveral, Fla., including Cape Kennedy Hilton Hotel, Washington Post reported. Property would be used for multimillion-dollar "Reformation Freedom Center and Christian Conference." Dr. McIntire had said site, 1.6-km (1-mi) strip from Banana River to Atlantic Ocean, "is alongside the rocket gantries and the moon shots" and would lend to God-in-space-conquest theme. Post said property had been valued speculatively at $25 million. (W Post, 12/30/0, A4)

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