Feb 17 1971

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USAF launched four satellites from Vandenberg AFB by one Thor-Burner II booster. Unidentified satellite entered orbit with 832.0-km (517-mi) apogee, 767.7-km (477-mi) perigee, 100.8-min period, and 98.8° inclination. Calisphere 3, 4, and 5-launched to provide targets for radar calibration and evaluate surface material erosion and drag effects vis-a-vis their inert gold or aluminum surfaces-entered orbits with 833.6-km (518-mi) apogee, 762.8- to 772.5-km (474- to 480-mi) perigee, 100.8-min period, and 98.8° inclination. (Pres Rpt 72; SBD, 2/18/71, 224)

Unidentified satellite launched by USAF from Vandenberg AFB by Thor-Agena booster exploded about 40 sec after liftoff. (UPI, W Star, 2/18/71)

U.S.S.R. launched Cosmos 395 from Plesetsk into orbit with 545-km (338.7-mi) apogee, 529-km (328.7-mi) perigee, 95.3-min period, and 74.0° inclination. (GSFC SSR, 2/28/71; SBD, 2/19/71, 224)

Presidential Management Improvement Certificate was presented to NASA Interplanetary Monitoring Platforms (IMP) Management Team in NASA Hq. ceremony. Award was for "efficient program management and design improvements which permitted deferment of a launch for a year while maintaining the achievement of program objectives." (NASA Org & Mgmt Off)

NAS and NAE released Jamaica Bay and Kennedy Airport: A Multidisciplinary Environmental Study. Report, prepared at request of Port of New York Authority, recommended against expansion of John F. Kennedy International Airport. "Any runway construction will damage the natural environment of the Bay and reduce its potential use for conservation, recreation, and housing." (NAS-NAE Release 2/17/71)

U.S. Dept. of Justice asked Supreme Court to deny atheist Mrs. Madalyn Murray O'Hair's request that U.S. astronauts be prohibited from under-taking religious activities during lunar missions. Solicitor Gen. Erwin Griswold said astronauts carried only personal religious items which improved their morale and contributed "to the success of the flight." (UPI, W Post, 2/17/71)

MSC announced award of $800 000 cost-plus-fixed-fee contract to Lockheed Electronics Co. for first year performance of scientific and technical support services for Earth Resources Laboratory at MTF. (MSC Release 71-07)

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