Aug 21 1990

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Scientists at NASA said that the Magellan spacecraft seemed to be working. Engineers had received all of the data from the craft's computer memory and were in the process of loading new programming. Officials said the navigation problem might have been caused by a series of rare events; they hoped it would be fully operational soon. (NY Times, Aug 22/90; W Post, Aug 22/90; W Post, Aug 22/90)

A report from a panel convened by the National Research Council and released to the White House recommended smaller and simpler satellites to monitor the Earth's climate, as opposed to the $30 billion, six large satellites being planned by NASA. The expense of the Earth Observing System (EOS) could take funds away from other important studies and future budgets. It could result in a delay in launching the EOS spacecraft, the report warned. Noting that at least one large platform was necessary for a number of scientific instruments to be grouped together, the panel recommended that three of the large satellites be replaced by smaller ones. (NY Times, Aug 22/90; W Post, Aug 22/90)

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