Feb 5 1992

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Explorers reported that the lost city of Ubar, called "the Atlantis of the Sands" by Lawrence of Arabia, had been found in Oman using pictures taken from the Space Shuttle Challenger in October 1984. The city was thought to have been inhabited from 2800 B.C. until A.D. 100. (USA Today, Feb 5/92; W Times, Feb 5/92; P Inq, Feb 5/92; NY Times International, Feb 5/92; B Sun, Feb 5/92)

Thomson Consumer Electronics, owned by the French electronics concern Thomson SA, said that it would help launch a satellite-to-home television broadcasting system through a venture with the Hughes Electronics division of General Motors Corporation. The system, called DirecTV, would be capable of providing more than 100 channels to 18-in-diameter outdoor satellite dishes. (B Sun, Feb 5/92)

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