Sep 19 1980

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Space News for this day. (1MB PDF)

NASA reported selection of Rockwell International's Energy Systems Group to negotiate a cost-shared $9 to $11 million contract under a DOE program for design, construction, installation, and test of an advanced multipurpose 350-kilowatt wind-turbine system with blades 38 meters (125 feet) in diameter.

LeRC with its expertise in aerodynamics and structures would direct the project for DOE; it was currently running a 100-kilowatt turbine testbed at its Plum Brook test area near Sandusky and four 200-kilowatt versions built and installed by Westinghouse in New Mexico, Rhode Island, Puerto Rico, and Hawaii. A 2,000-kilowatt machine by General Electric was supplying power to the Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative System in North Carolina. Boeing was building a 2,500-kilowatt machine, three of which would be working in the Bonneville Power System by the end of 1981. (NASA Release 80-148)

The Washington Post reported that NORAD in Colorado Springs, Colo., had identified a flaming object that streaked across the sky and plunged into the Gulf of Mexico earlier in the week. The object was apparently the remains of a Soviet rocket, probably Cosmos 549, that had been in orbit for seven years. (W Post, Sept 19/80 A-5)

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