Apr 1 2004

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NASA Administrator Sean O’Keefe testified before the U.S. Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Science, Technology and Space concerning NASA's budget request for FY 2005. NASA had requested US$16.2 billion for FY 2005, an increase of 5.6 percent over its budget for FY 2004. Much of O'Keefe's testimony and the Senate subcommittee members' questions were concerned with the likelihood of NASA's achieving the objectives that President George W. Bush had established for NASA in his Vision for Space Exploration, announced in January 2004. Those objectives included human flights to the Moon and replacing the Space Shuttles with a new space-exploration vehicle. (NASA, “Administrator O'Keefe's Senate Testimony,” news release, 1 April 2004; Gwyneth K. Shaw, “NASA Chief Faces Lawmakers' Queries,” Orlando Sentinel (FL), 2 April 2004.)

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