Aug 21 1968
From The Space Library
NASA successfully launched three Nike-Apache sounding rockets from NASA Wallops Station carrying GSFC experiments to determine D-region electron density profile during solar flare. Rockets-launched into active electron density profile after flare was reported and, subsequently, into declining activity-reached 117.6-mi (189-km), 119.8-mi (192.7-km) , and 119.6-mi (192-km) altitudes. All rockets and instrumentation performed satisfactorily. Good data were obtained. Radar data showed remarkable continuity for all three trajectories, indicating that rockets carried payloads to same ionospheric region. (NASA Rpts SRL)
Nike-Tomahawk sounding rocket launched by NASA from NASA Wallops Station carried Univ. of Maryland-Geophysics Corp. of America experiment to 163-mi (262-km) altitude. Primary objectives were to evaluate capabilities and accuracies of pulse and thermal equalization probes, investigate electron energy distribution in normal daytime ionosphere, and evaluate use of wing-slope techniques with Langmuir probes. Rocket trajectory was nominal, but despin was higher than predicted. Problems were encountered in telemetry. GCA antennas broke off at deployment and no data were received. Clamshell deployed properly and exposed pulse probe as planned, but motor for boom deployment malfunctioned. No useful data were obtained. (NASA Rpt Km)
NASA test pilot William H. Dana flew X-15 No. 1 to 264,000-ft altitude and 3,443 mph (mach 4.71) during flight from Edwards AFB to conduct WTR experiment and check horizon scanner, sky brightness, fluidic probe, and fixed alpha ball. (X-15 Proj Off)
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