Apr 13 1989

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President George Bush announced the selection of Rear Admiral Richard H. Truly, a former astronaut and head of the Space Shuttle program, to succeed Dr. James C. Fletcher as NASA Administrator. The White House also announced that J.R. Thompson, Director of the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), Huntsville, Alabama, would be appointed NASA Deputy Administrator. Truly, a veteran of two Shuttle flights, was named to head the Shuttle program by Administrator Fletcher following the 1986 Challenger accident. Truly was credited with helping to restore safety and reliability to Shuttle-related activities. (FBIS Sov-89-070, Apr 13/89; AP, Apr 12/89; UPI, Apr 12/89; NY Times, Apr 13/89; W Post, Apr 13/89; WSJ, Apr 13/89; USA Today, Apr 13/89; W Times, Apr 13/89)

Dale D. Myers, the acting NASA Administrator, announced his plans to resign effective May 13. Myers had served as the NASA Deputy Administrator from October 6, 1986, when he was recruited to return to NASA by President Ronald Reagan. During his tenure, Myers was instrumental in guiding NASA through the period of recovery following the Challenger accident of January 28, 1986. (NASA Release 89-49, Apr 13/89)

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