Aug 26 1982

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NASA launched Canada's Telesat-G, called Anik D-1 in orbit, from ESMC on a Delta at 7:10 p.m. EDT. Transfer-orbit parameters were 36,358-kilometer apogee, 185-kilometer perigee, and 24.5 ° inclination. Firing of a booster motor at 5:29 p.m. EDT August 29 put Anik D into synchronous orbit, and it was maneuvered to a station 104°W above the equator.

Anik D, weighing 2,370 pounds at liftoff, was the heaviest payload launched into transfer orbit by a Delta from that site. Initial on-station weight was 1,454 pounds. This was a 30th consecutive success for the Delta, a new record. The 24-channel communications satellite would provide Canada with television, data, and voice communications.

Anik D was Canada's tenth satellite and fifth in a series of domestic commercial communications satellites owned and operated by Telesat Canada. It would be a backup in orbit for three aging Anik A satellites (launched 1972, 1973, and 1975) and Anik B (1978). (NASA MOR M-492-201-82-05 [prelaunch] Aug 24/82, [postlaunch] Jan 17/83; NASA Release 82-126; Spacewarn SPX-346, Aug 31/82; NASA Dly Acty Rpt, Sept 1/82; SSR, Sept 2/82; A/D, Aug 31/82, 343; Av Wk, Sept 6/82, 53)

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