Nov 29 1993

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NASA satellite data, used to study the expansion and contraction of the deserts and semi-arid lands of Africa, are the principle data source providing early warning of potential famine and desert locust swarms. NASA announced that its Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, and the U.S. Agency for International Development (AID) were cooperating on a project to provide data to AID's Famine Early Warning system. (NASA Release 93-213)

America's technological leaders were scheduled to meet in Anaheim, California, from December 7-9 1993, to explore innovative ideas that could be used to solve engineering problems, create new products and industry opportunities, and facilitate the transfer of government-sponsored technologies to American industry. TECHNOLOGY 2003, the fourth annual national technology transfer conference and exposition, was sponsored by NASA, "NASA Tech Briefs" magazine, and the Technology Utilization Foundation. (NASA Release 93-212)

NASA announced that it had selected the team of General Electric Corporation, Cincinnati and United Technologies Pratt & Whitney Division, West Palm Beach, Florida, for final negotiations leading to award of a contract to develop critical propulsion component technologies for a future U.S. high-speed civil transport. (NASA Release C93-dd)

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