Sep 2 1993

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Vice President Gore and Russian Prime Minister Chernomyrdin signed an agreement to embark on a joint effort to design and construct an international Space Station. In a separate agreement, Russia also agreed to place export controls on missile technology, a precondition set by the Clinton administration to cooperation in space. Russia also gained access to the lucrative international market for launching commercial satellites. (NASA Release 93-158; UPI, Sep 2/93; AP, Sep 3/93; NY Times, Sep 3/93; P Inq, Sep 3/93); WSJ, Sep 3/93; LA Times, Sep 3/93; W Post, Sep 3/93; W Times, Sep 3/93; RTW, Sep 3/93; B Sun, Sep 5/93; CSM, Sep 14/93; National Journal, Sep 11/93)

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