Aug 20 1986
From The Space Library
NASA announced that it would cease implementation of work package realignment for a period of up to 90 days while two teams composed of NASA personnel, Phase B contractors, and representatives from user groups and international partners reviewed Space Station design and work package assignments and functions. The task force, headed by W. Ray Hook, Manager, Space Station Office, would critically examine all aspects of the current Space Station baseline configuration in terms of the amount of extravehicular activity required for assembly and maintenance, launch capacity of the Shuttle fleet, assembly sequence of the baseline configuration, resultant impact to the utilization of the station, potential impact on international partners, and overall technical performance and integrity of the Station. The Executive Technical Committee, headed by NASA Associate Administrator Andrew J. Stofan, would approve the assumptions, engineering, and technical constraints identified by the task force and oversee their activities. (NASA Release 86-116)
NASA announced that Lieutenant General Forrest S. McCartney, on assignment from the At Force, would take over as Director of the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, beginning October 1. McCartney succeeded Richard Smith, who retired on July 31. The press opined that the move would give the military greater control of the space program. McCartney's past At Force assignments include positions as satellite controller, as project officer in the Titan 3 program, in the Directorate of Space at USAF Headquarters, as monitor for satellite communications programs, and director of range engineering at USAF Eastern Test Range. (NASA Release 86-117; W Post, Aug 21/86; NY Times, Aug 21/86)
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