Dec 31 2007

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In compliance with a request from Congress, NASA released a version of safety data collected from 24,000 interviews with airline pilots. NASA had previously refused to release the information, citing the potential for a negative economic effect on the airline industry. According to media sources, the safety survey revealed complaints from pilots regarding fatigue and problems with air traffic controllers, airport security, and runway and taxiway layouts. NASA Administrator Michael D. Griffin stated in a press conference that NASA had no plans to study the database for trends, saying that NASA had conducted the survey to determine whether collecting information from pilots in this manner was worthwhile.

Matthew L. Wald, “NASA Offers Airline Safety Data,” New York Times, 1 January 2008; Del Quentin Wilber, “Redacted Air-Traffic Safety Survey Released: NASA Downplays Pilots’ Complaints About Fatigue, Security,” Washington Post, 1 January 2008.

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