Dec 8 1968

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Chief Test Pilot Joseph S. Algranti successfully ejected from lunar landing training vehicle about four minutes into planned six-min­ute flight, when large lateral-control oscillation developed as he de­scended from maximum altitude of 550 ft. He ejected at 200 ft and landed by parachute while $1.8-million vehicle crashed and burned sev­eral hundred feet away. Flight was 14th for this LLTV. Astronaut Wal­ter M. Schirra, Jr., was named chairman of board to investigate acci­dent. (MSC Special Releases; W Post, 12/9/68, 1; SBD, 12/10/68, 172)

In New York Times, Walter Sullivan said President-elect Richard M. Nixon's entourage had discussed creation of Cabinet post for science and technology. "The science adviser, in the view of the Nixon entou­rage, has been unable to streamline the machinery for making science policy. Science, and the problems relating to it, has outgrown its old boundaries. The big problems are interdisciplinary. Their solution requires expertise in many fields, and the cooperation of many depart­ments of government. This has led to a proliferation of interdepart­mental committees." However, "because the creation of a Cabinet post would have major repercussions within the scientific establishment, it is unlikely that such a step will be taken until there has been an extensive study, lasting perhaps a year or more." (NYT, 12/8/68, 3E)

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