International Astronautical Congress

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The Premier Congrès International d'Astronautique took place between September 30th and October 3rd 1950 beginning in the Richlieu Amphitheatre of the Sorbonne in Paris France and moving to the Aéro-Club de France on the rue de Galilée on the second day. Only the first day was open to the public. The remaining days were taken up by a conference between the attending delegates who came from France, Germany, Britain, Austria, Sweden, Spain, Argentina, and Denmark. It was later reported that 1000 people passed through the congress. The entire event had been triggered by a resolution passed at the June 22 1949 meeting of the GfW in Stuttgart. A letter was sent to the European organisations and was received with enthusiasm. Alexander Ananoff in France offered to host the event. He and Heinz Gartmann, scientific director of the GfW and a pioneer of early rocketry during the war at BMW, organised the event. Gartmann travelled to Paris in late 1949 to work out the details with Ananoff but he was later prohibited from attending the conference when denied a visa to reenter France.

Four movies were screened at the event. Fritz Lang's "Frau Im Mond", V2 Launch Footage from White Sands, the science fiction film "Destination Moon", and a special presentation by Rudolf Nebel of "Experiences with Rockets at the Raketenflugplatz."

Provisions were made at the conference to meet the following year in London where the International Astronautical Federation was officially founded. It was also resolved to form a "Commission for the study of the space station project" in which the leading scientists in London the following year would give details on the possibility of implementing a space research station in a series of scientific lectures. It would also highlight the economic, cultural and political implications of the construction of a space station and, as a further important measure, prepare a list of standards prior to the London Congress, of all the symbols and designations of rocket technology.

From left to right H.J. Rückert, T.M. Vilaseca, L. Hansen, T. Tabanera, A. Ananoff, G. Loeser, H.H. Koelle, W. Brügel, C. Oestwinter, F.K. Jungklaas, J. Humphries
From left to right H.J. Rückert, T.M. Vilaseca, L. Hansen, T. Tabanera, A. Ananoff, G. Loeser, H.H. Koelle, W. Brügel, C. Oestwinter, F.K. Jungklaas, J. Humphries
From left to right - W. Brügel, C. Oestwinter, F.K. Jungklaas, J. Humphries, L.R. Shepherd, Mme Fordale (translator),  A.V. Cleaver, E. Burgess, A.C. Clarke, F. Cap, R. Nebel, E. Sänger, I. Sänger-Bredt, H.J. Rückert, T.M. Vilaseca
From left to right - W. Brügel, C. Oestwinter, F.K. Jungklaas, J. Humphries, L.R. Shepherd, Mme Fordale (translator), A.V. Cleaver, E. Burgess, A.C. Clarke, F. Cap, R. Nebel, E. Sänger, I. Sänger-Bredt, H.J. Rückert, T.M. Vilaseca

Official attendees of the First IAC

  • Honorary President

Henri Mineur, founder of the Institute d'Astrophysique in Paris,

  • Honorary Vice-Presidents

Gabrielle Renaudot Flammarion, widow of the famed astronomer Camille Flammarion and director of the Juvisy Observatory

Lilia De Vendeuvre, famed aviatrix and Director of the Aviation Section of the French Red Cross.

  • Congress President

Alexandre Ananoff founder of the Section Astronautique of the Société Astronomique.

  • Speakers

Auguste Budry, Lauriet of the French Astronomical Society

Monsieur Gras, Treasurer of the French Aeronautical Club

Attendees of the First IAC

  1. Arthur C. Clarke
  2. Arthur Valentine Cleaver
  3. Leslie R. Shepherd
  4. John Humphries
  5. Eric Burgess
  • German Spaceflight Club (VfR)
  1. Rudolf Nebel (co-founder of the VfR)
  2. Eugen Sänger (Austrian who pioneered winged spacecraft)
  3. Irene Sänger-Bredt
  • Argentinean Interplanetary Society (Sociedad Argentina Interplanetaria)
  1. Teofilo Tabanera
  • Austrian Society for Space Research (Oesterreichische Gesellschaft Für WeltraumForschung)
  1. Ferdinand Cap
  2. Hans Joachim Rückert
  3. Friedrich Schmiedl (rocket mail pioneer)
  • Society for Space Research (Gesellschaft Für WeltraumForschung) (GfW)
  1. Heinz Hermann Koelle
  2. Guenter Loeser
  3. F.K. Jungklaas
  4. Werner Brügel
  5. C. Oestwinter
  • Swedish Interplanetary Society (Svenska Interplanetariska Sällskapet)
  1. Ake Hjertstrand
  • Spanish Astronautics Group (Agrupación Astronáutica Española)
  1. Tomás Mur Vilaseca
  • Danish Society for Space Research (Dansk Selskab for Rumfahrtsforskning)
  1. Leo Hansen

Other attendees known to have been present included A Hoorstravol and Madame Fordale, who was the translator. The only American that was known to attend was Frederick I. Ordway III who at that time was a student attending the Sorbonne.

Programme of the First IAC (1950)


Samedi 30 septembre 1950:

  • 14h 30 - Rendez-vous de tous les Congressistes à la Sorbonne. Salle des Autorités. Présenter la carte numérotée qui donnera droit à l'entrée.

(Les Congressistes se rendront à la Sorbonne par leurs propres moyens).

  • 15h - Séance solennelle au Grand Amphithéâtre de la Sorbonne

Dimanche 1 Octobre 1950:

  • 9h 30 - Aéro-Club de France (6, rue de Galilée). lère séance de travail, sous la présidence de Mr Loeser, chef de la Délégation allemande. Discussion des rapports de MM. Kölle et Ruckert, Déjeuner à l'Aéro-Club.
  • 14h - Reprise des discussions.
  • 16h - Départ en autos-cars pour la visite de l'Observatoire de Meudon et retour à Paris par cars.

Lundi 2 Octobre 1950:

  • 9h 30 - Aéro-Club de France - Séance préparatoire pour le Congrès International de Londres (1951), placée sous la présidence de Mr Cleaver, chef de la Délégation anglaise.

Déjeuner à l'Aéro-club.

  • 14h Départ par cars pour la visite de la Pile Atomique du Fort de Chatillon - Retour à Paris par cars.
  • 21h - Réunion : Résolutions, conclusions et voeux du Congrès.

Mardi 3 Octobre 1950

  • 10h Rendez-vous au Palais de la Découverte (avenue Franklin-Roosevelt) et visite des différentes sections et notamment sections d'astronautique et d'astronomie par Mr Léveillé, Directeur du Palais de la Découverte.


  • Monsieur Henri MINEUR (ouverture de la Séance Solennelle — allocution)
  • Monsieur A. ANANOFF : (présentation des délégations) Mme de VENDEUVRE (allocution)
  • Mr A.L. HIRSCH (allocution)

Allocutions des chefs des délégations

  • Angleterre : Mr CLEAVER — Président de la British Interplanetary Society.
  • Allemagne : Mr LOESER — Chef de la délégation et l'un des dirigeants de la Société allemande de Stuttgart.
  • Argentine : Mr TABANERA — Président de la Société Astronautique de Buenos-Aires et professeur à l'Université de La Plata.
  • AUTRICHE : Mr CAP — Président de la Société Auttiohienne d'Innsbruck.
  • DANEMARK : Mr HANSEN — Vice—Président de la Sté Astronautique de Copenhague.
  • M. ANANOFF : quelques messages et regrets pour les personnes qui n'ont pu venir (passe la parole à Mr Budry)
  • M. A. ANANOFF : brève allocution et présentation du programme des films,
  1. .. Meliès Film "Voyage dans la Lune" 1905.
  2. .. Expériences sur les V-2 du Nouveau-Mexique) — Service d'Information et de Documentation Technique du Minis. de l'Air.
  3. .. Destination la Lune — film de G.Pal.

Conclusion par Mr A. ANANOFF,

Second IAC, London 1951

Founders of the IAF at the Second IAC, London, 1951. Front row, G. Loeser, H. Oberth, E. Sanger, A. Haley - Back row, J. Stemmer, T. Mur, E. Sawyer, T. Tabanera, L.J. Carter, F. Hecht, F.K. Jungklaas, H.H. Koelle, A. Hjertstrand, A.C. Clarke, F. Durant, E. Burgess, L.R. Shepherd
Founders of the IAF at the Second IAC, London, 1951. Front row, G. Loeser, H. Oberth, E. Sanger, A. Haley - Back row, J. Stemmer, T. Mur, E. Sawyer, T. Tabanera, L.J. Carter, F. Hecht, F.K. Jungklaas, H.H. Koelle, A. Hjertstrand, A.C. Clarke, F. Durant, E. Burgess, L.R. Shepherd
Second International Astronautical Congress, London 1951, l to r, E.V. Sawyer, F.C. Durant, L.J. Carter, H. Oberth, E. Sänger, A.C. Clarke, A.V. Cleaver, A. Hjertstrand, K.F. Jungklaass, H.H. Koelle, G. Loeser, A. Ananoff, F. Hecht
Second International Astronautical Congress, London 1951, l to r, E.V. Sawyer, F.C. Durant, L.J. Carter, H. Oberth, E. Sänger, A.C. Clarke, A.V. Cleaver, A. Hjertstrand, K.F. Jungklaass, H.H. Koelle, G. Loeser, A. Ananoff, F. Hecht
Second International Astronautical Congress, London 1951, l to r, Hermann Oberth, Eugen Sänger, Arthur C. Clarke, Arthur V. Cleaver
Second International Astronautical Congress, London 1951, l to r, Hermann Oberth, Eugen Sänger, Arthur C. Clarke, Arthur V. Cleaver

The proceedings for the second congress began on September 3rd 1951 at the Ermin Hotel in London. Delegates in attendance included.

Guests of Honor

  1. President Eugen Sänger
  2. Irene Sänger-Bredt
  3. Hermann Oberth
  1. Arthur C. Clarke
  2. Arthur Valentine Cleaver
  3. Kenneth W. Gatland
  4. Eric Burgess
  5. Leslie R. Shepherd
  6. T.R.F. Nonweiler
  7. Michael W. Ovenden
  8. Anthony Kunesch
  9. A.E. Dixon
  10. Ralph A. Smith

  • Argentinean Interplanetary Society (Sociedad Argentina Interplanetaria)
  1. Teofilo Tabanera
  • Austrian Society for Space Research (Oesterreichische Gesellschaft Für WeltraumForschung)
  1. F. Hecht
  • Society for Space Research (Gesellschaft Für WeltraumForschung) (GfW)
  1. Heinz Hermann Koelle
  2. Guenter Loeser
  3. F.K. Jungklaas
  4. A. Ullenberg
  5. H. Hoeppner
  6. H. Kuhme
  7. R. Marten
  8. R. Nebel
  • Groupement Astronautique Francais (GAF)
  1. M. A. Ananoff
  2. Jean Gallavardin
  • Associazzioni Italiana Razzi (AIR)
  1. G.P. Casiraghi
  2. G. Partel
  • Swedish Interplanetary Society (Svenska Interplanetariska Sällskapet)
  1. Ake Hjertstrand
  • Spanish Astronautics Group (Agrupación Astronáutica Española)
  1. Tomás Mur Vilaseca
  • Switzerland (unnamed society)
  1. J. Stemmer
  • American Rocket Society (ARS)
  1. Andrew G. Haley
  2. Frederick C. Durant
  • Pacific Rocket Society (PRS)
  1. E.V. Sawyer
  • Reaction Research Society (RRS)
  1. D. Elliott

Papers at 2nd IAC (1951)

  • Leslie R. Shepherd - The Artificial Satellite
  • Wernher von Braun - The Importance of the Satellite Vehicle as a Step Towards Interplanetary Flight
  • Ing. Guido von Pirquet - Foundation of the Space Station
  • T.R.F. Nonweiler - Descent from Satellite Orbits using Aerodynamic Braking
  • Prof. Lyman Spitzer Jr. - Interplanetary Travel Between Satellite Orbits
  • Dipl. Ing. H. Kuhme - Optimum Satellite Step Rocket
  • Kenneth W. Gatland, M.A. Kunesch, A.E. Dixon - Minimum Satellite Rockets
  • Pierre Bergeret - Biological Problems of the Satellite Vehicle
  • Ing. H. Hoeppner - The Optimum Satellite Freight Rocket
  • Ing. H. Kuhme - The Start, Return, and Landing of an Optimum Satellite Rocket
  • H.H. Koelle - Design Problems of the Space Station
  • M.W. Ovenden - Meteor Hazards to Space Stations
  • Dr. R. Merten - The Optimum Orbit for Radar Tracking
  • E.V. Sawyer - Landing of Space Craft
  • A.L. Joquel - The Space Station as an Astronomical Observatory
  • Ralph A. Smith - Orbital Rendezvous Problems
  • Ing. A. Pullenberg - Construction, Proposition Space Station
  • Ing. Rudolf Nebel - How A Space Station Might be Constructed

Papers at 3rd IAC (Stuttgart 1952)

  • J. Stemmer - Astronautische Grundlagenf orschung auf Internationaler Basis (Astronautical Foundation Research on an International Basis)
  • H. Oberth - Private Vorarbeit zur Weltraumfahrt (Private preparatory work for space travel)
  • A. Meyer - Rechtliche Probleme des Weltraumfluges (Legal problems of space flight)
  • F. Hecht - Chemische Probleme des Weltraumfluges (Chemical problems of space flight)
  • G.V.E. Thompson - Cost. and Availability of High Energy Propellants
  • H.H. Koelle - Zur Bestimmung des optimalen Brennkammerdruckes von Raketentriebwerken (To determine the optimal combustion chamber pressure of rocket engines)
  • G.E. Janzon - Umlaufende Flussigkeitspumpen fur Grossraketen (Circulating fluid pumps for large rockets)
  • A. Hjertstrand - Grundsatzliches zur Frage des bemannten und unbemannten Raumfahrzeuges (Fundamental to the question of manned and unmanned spacecraft)
  • R. A. Cornog; F.L.van der Wal - On Optimizing the Component Proportions of High Performance Rockets
  • E. Bachem - Einige grundsatzliche Probleme des bemannten Senkrecht startes - Erfahrungsbericht uber die Bachem-Natter (Some fundamental problems of manned vertical start - Experience report on the Bachem-Natter)
  • H. Hoeppner - Die Satellitenrakete 1952 (The satellite rocket 1952)
  • H. Kuhme - Der Katapultstart (The catapult launch)
  • K.A. Ehricke - Establishment of large Satellites by Means of Small Orbital Carriers
  • D.F. Lawden - Inter-Orbital Transfer with Minimum Propellant Expenditure
  • H. G. L. Krause - Die sakularen Storungen einer AuBenstations-Bahn (The secular disturbances of a space station)
  • H.F. Michielsen - Die Bahnbestimmung einer schwach beschleunigten Rakete in einem zentralen Gravitationsfeld (The orbit determination of a weakly accelerated rocket in a central gravitational field)
  • B. Heim - Die dynamische Kontrabarie als Losung des Astronautischen Problems (Dynamic counterpoint as a solution to the astronautical problem)
  • K. Wiese - Das Problem der Strahlung im Weltraum (The problem of radiation in space)
  • H.J. Schaefer - Exposure Hazards from Cosmic Radiation at Extreme Altitudes and in Free Space
  • J. Eugster - Die Biologische Wirkung der kosmischen Strahlung, Methoden und neueste Ergebnisse (The Biological Effects of Cosmic Radiation, Methods and Latest Results)
  • A.E. Slater - Sensory Perceptions of the Weightless Condition
  • H.K. Kaiser - Physische Verhaltnisse und Lebensbedingungen auf anderen Planeten (Physical conditions and living conditions on other planets)
  • R. Merten - Hochfrequenztechnische Probleme des Weltraumfluges (Radio frequency problems of space flight)
  • W. Dornberger - Hinter den Kulissen der V-2 (Behind the scenes of the V-2)
  • W. von Braun - Weltraumfahrt - eine Aufgabe für die internationale wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit (Space travel - a task for international scientific cooperation)

Papers at 4th IAC (Zurich 1953)

  • Milton W. Rosen, Richard B. Snodgrass - Viking Sounding Rockets
  • W.N. Neat - Limitations of Chemical Propellants
  • G.A. Crocco - Orbital Refuelling
  • H. Langemeyer - Electrical Power in Space
  • S.F. Singer - MOUSE
  • K.R. Stehling - Earth Scanning Techniques for Orbital Rocket Vehicles
  • H.J. Kaeppeler - Atomic Rockets
  • Eugen Sanger - Photon Rocket
  • Wernher von Braun - Reducing the cost of Space Program

Papers at 5th IAC (Innsbruck 1954)

  • H. Oberth - Grundsatzliches zur Raumtaucher-Ausrutung
  • Irene Sanger-Bredt - Die Erforschung der Initialvorgange bei Verbrennungsprozessen
  • E. Sanger - Stationare Kernverbrennung in Raketen
  • Alfred J. Zaehringer - Solid Propellants and Astronautics
  • Krafft Ehricke - Analysis of Orbital Systems
  • Heinz Hermann Koelle - Der Einfluss der Auslegung der Turbopumpe auf die Flugleisungen einer Grossrakete
  • N.H. Langton - The Thermal Dissipation of Meteorites by Bumper Screens
  • Darrell C. Romick - Basic Design Principles Applicable to Reaction Propelled Space Vehicles
  • Ernst Stuhlinger - Ion Propulsion
  • H.J. Kaeppler & M.E. Kubler - Die Ruckkehr von geflugelten Geraten von Aussenstationsbahnen
  • H. Preston-Thomas - Two Aspects of the Time Element in Interplanetary Flight
  • M. Vertregt - Calculation of Step Rockets
  • G. von Pirquet - Zur Nomeklatur der Gewichtswerte von Stufenraketen
  • D.F. Lawden - Optimal Programming of Rocket Thrust Direction
  • J.M. Kooy - On Automatic Steering of Step Rockets
  • R. Engel - Entwurfsverfahren fur Hohenrakaten mit Pressgasforderung
  • U.T. Boedewadt - Uber den Einfluss der Rekombination auf die Leistung von Flussigkeitsraketen
  • H.B. Merrill Closed Circuit Television
  • R. Merten - Die elektrische Nachbildung der Bewegungsverhaltnisse einer Aussenstation
  • J. Eugster - Demonstration uber den Nachweis der kosmischen Strahlung im menschlichen Korper
  • H. Strughold - SPace Equivalent Conditions WIthin the Earth's Atmosphere Physiological Aspects
  • E. Fitzer - Die Entwicklung temperaturbestandiger Werkstoffe
  • R. Kieffer & F. Benesovsky - Hochwarmfeste Sinterwerkstoffe
  • E. Vassy - L'Exploration de la haute atmosphere avec les engines autopropulse et le programme francais de l'annee Geophysique Internationale
  • Frederick I. Ordway - Space Flight Activities in the USA
  • G.A. Partel - IAF Utopia or Reality?
  • R. Dyrgalla - Die Neo-Ideographie als Mittel zur Verstandigung fur kunftige Beziehungen mit anderen Planeten
  • F. Cap - Uber Stromungsvorgange die mit einer Verbrennung gekoppelt sind
  • H. Ruppe Uber aerodynamische Erwarmung kegelformiger Flugkorper im Bereiche extrem hoher Mach-Zahlen
  • A. A. Cocca - Die rechtliche Natur des Weltraums
  • C. E. Cremona - Rilevamento e rivelamento dellle caratteristiche di volo dei razzi e missili
  • A. Roni - Artificial Satellite, Unification and Mechanics (Sidar-Mechanics)

Papers at 6th IAC (Copenhagen 1955)

  • Krafft Ehricke - Delta Winged Satelloids
  • N.V. Petersen - Lifetime of satellites
  • R. Tousey - Visibility of small satellites
  • A. Boni, D.F. Lawden, J.M.J. Kooy - Establishing circular orbits
  • G.A. Partel - Energetic Fuels
  • H.E. Newell - IGY
  • A. Hitchcock - Dangers to Crews in manned flight
  • B.B. Langenecker - Ignition Temperatures in rocket systems
  • C.E. Anderson - Corpuscular Radiation from the sun

Papers at 7th IAC (Rome 1956)

  • Prof. G. Crocco - One Year Exploration Trip, Earth - Mars - Venus - Earth
  • Eugen Sanger - The Attainability of the Fixed Stars
  • Dr. H.R.J. Grosch - Electronic Computers and Orbit Calculation
  • Prof. F. Hecht, R Patzak - Chemical Analysis of Microscopic Spherules, Presumably of Comic Origin Found in Deep Sea Sediments
  • M. Dubin - Interplanetary Matter and the Earth Satellite
  • N.E. Felt - The Vanguard Satellite Launching Vehicle
  • Aurelio C. Robotti - A Method of Launching Artificial Satellites
  • John De Nike - The Effect of the Earth’s Oblateness and Atmosphere on a Satellite Orbit
  • Dr. Wolfgang B. Klemperer, Robert M.L. Baker - Satellite Librations
  • Prof. S.F. Singer - Temperature Problems of Satellites
  • Bjorn Bergqvist - An Engineering Approach to a Minimum Weight Design of Orbital Ferry Vehicles
  • Darrell C. Romick - Concept for a Manned Earth Satellite Terminal Evolving from Earth to Orbit Ferry Rockets
  • Dr Robert W. Buchheim - Artificial Satellites of the Moon
  • Kurt R. Stehling, R. Foster - On A Small Lunar Rocket Vehicle
  • Dr. Allesandro Boni - A Lunar Rocket for Observations
  • Krafft A. Ehricke - On The Application of Solar Power in Space Flight
  • M. Vertregt - The Payload Ratios of Small Thurst Space Vehicles
  • Jerome Pressman - Implications of a Recent Rocket Experiment on Possible Upper Atmospheric Propulsion Systems using Atomic Oxygen
  • I.C. Corbetta - Considerations on the Problem of Utilizing Nuclear Energy in Astronautics
  • H. Bednarczyk - A Contribution to the Theory of Steam Rockets
  • Rolf Engel - Remarks on the Question of Step Rockets
  • Dr. Alberto Jona - An Acceleration Procedure with the Possibility of Eventual Utilization and Exhaustion of the Normal Propulsive Load of a Rocket
  • Dr. E.A. de Zubay - Combustion Processes and Chemical Reactions
  • Bertwin Langenecker - Problems of Materials in Rocket Motors with Oscillating Combustion
  • H. J. Kaeppler, G. Baumann - On Systems with Chemically - Reacting Components in Equilibrium
  • H. Ruppe - Some Considerations on the Tehory of Spaceship Propulsion
  • Dr. Walter Peschka - On a Possible Method of Increasing the Exhaust Velocity of a Rocket Propulsion System
  • Andrew G. Haley - Space Law and MEtalaw: A Synoptic View
  • Aldo Armando Cocca - Methods for the Study of the Juridical Problems which will Arise from the Conquest of Interplanetary Space
  • Eugen Pepin - Studies and Research on the Juridical Problems Set by Astronautics
  • Frederico Romano - A Camouflaged Space Station
  • Dr. Herbertus Strughold - The Ecosphere in the Solar Planetary System
  • Dr. S.J. Gerathewohl - Personal Experiences during Short Periods of Weightlessness Reported by Sixteen Subjects
  • T. Lomonaco, M. Stroll, L. Fabris - Motor Coordination Behaviour in Subjects Exposed to Acceleration Values of Three to Zero g
  • Maj. D.G. Simons - Biological Effects of Primary Cosmic Radiation


  • 1950 - Paris, France; 1st IAC (September 30 - October 3, 1950)
  • 1951 - London, England; 2nd IAC (September 3 - 8, 1951)
  • 1952 – Stuttgart, Germany; 3rd IAC (September 1–6, 1952)
  • 1953 – Zurich, Switzerland; 4th IAC (August 3–8, 1953)
  • 1954 – Innsbruck, Austria; 5th IAC (August 2–7, 1954)
  • 1955 – Copenhagen, Denmark; 6th IAC (August 1–8, 1955)
  • 1956 – Rome, Italy; 7th IAC (September 17 – September 22, 1956)
  • 1957 – Barcelona, Spain; 8th IAC (October 7–12, 1957)
  • 1958 – Amsterdam, Netherlands; 9th IAC (August 25–30, 1958)
  • 1959 – London, United Kingdom; 10th IAC (August 30–September 5, 1959)
  • 1960 – Stockholm, Sweden; 11th IAC (August 15–20, 1960)
  • 1961 – Washington, D.C., USA; 12th IAC (October 7–12, 1961)
  • 1962 – Varna, Bulgaria; 13th IAC (September 24–29, 1962)
  • 1963 – Paris, France; 14th IAC (September 25 – October 1, 1964)
  • 1964 – Warsaw, Poland; 15th IAC (September 7–12, 1964)
  • 1965 – Athens, Greece; 16th IAC (September 13–18, 1965)
  • 1966 – Madrid, Spain; 17th IAC (October 9–16, 1966)
  • 1967 – Belgrade, Yugoslavia; 18th IAC (September 25–29, 1967)
  • 1968 – New York, USA; 19th IAC (October 13–18, 1968)
  • 1969 – Mar del Plata, Argentina; 20th IAC (October 5-10, 1969)
  • 1970 – Constance, Germany; 21st IAC (October 4-9, 1970)
  • 1971 – Brussel, Belgium; 22nd IAC (September 20–25, 1971)
  • 1972 – Vienna, Austria; 23rd IAC (October 8–15, 1972)
  • 1973 – Baku, USSR; 24th IAC (October 7-13, 1973)
  • 1974 – Amsterdam, Netherlands; 25th IAC (September 30 - October 5, 1974)
  • 1975 – Lisbon, Portugal; 26th IAC (September 21-27, 1975)
  • 1976 – Anaheim, California, USA; 27th IAC (October 10–16, 1976)
  • 1977 – Prague, Czechoslovakia; 28th IAC (September 25– October 1 1977)
  • 1978 – Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia; 29th IAC (October 1-8, 1978)
  • 1979 – Munich, Germany; 30th IAC (September 17-22, 1979)
  • 1980 – Tokyo, Japan; 31st IAC (September 21–28, 1980)
  • 1981 – Rome, Italy; 32nd IAC (September 6–12, 1981)
  • 1982 – Paris, France; 33rd IAC (September 27 – October 2, 1982)
  • 1983 – Budapest, Hungary; 34th IAC (October 10–15, 1983)
  • 1984 – Lausanne, Switzerland; 35th IAC (October 8–13, 1984)
  • 1985 – Stockholm, Sweden; 36th IAC (October 7–12, 1985)
  • 1986 – Innsbruck, Austria; 37th IAC (October 4–11, 1986)
  • 1987 – Brighton, United Kingdom; 38th IAC (October 10–17, 1987)
  • 1988 – Bangalore, India; 39th IAC (October 8–15, 1988)
  • 1989 – Malaga, Spain; 40th IAC (October 7–13, 1989)
  • 1990 – Dresden, Germany; 41st IAC (October 6–12, 1990)
  • 1991 – Montreal, Canada; 42nd IAC (October 5–11, 1991)
  • 1992 – Washington, D.C., USA; 43rd IAC (August 28 – September 5, 1992)
  • 1993 – Graz, Austria; 44th IAC (October 16–22, 1993)
  • 1994 – Jerusalem, Israel; 45th IAC (October 9–14, 1994)
  • 1995 – Oslo, Norway; 46th IAC (October 2–6, 1995)
  • 1996 – Beijing, China; 47th IAC (October 7–11, 1996)
  • 1997 – Torino, Italy; 48th IAC (October 6–10, 1997)
  • 1998 – Melbourne, Australia; 49th IAC (September 28 – October 2, 1998)
  • 1999 – Amsterdam, Holland; 50th IAC (October 4–8, 1999)
  • 2000 – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 51st IAC (October 2–6, 2000)
  • 2001 – Toulouse, France; 52nd IAC (October 1–5, 2001)
  • 2002 – Houston, Texas, United States; 2nd World Space Congress (October 10–19, 2002)
  • 2003 – Bremen, Germany; 54th IAC (September 29 – October 3, 2003)
  • 2004 – Vancouver, Canada; 55th IAC (October 4–8, 2004)
  • 2005 – Fukuoka, Japan; 56th IAC (October 16–21, 2005)
  • 2006 – Valencia, Spain; 57th IAC (October 2–6, 2006)
  • 2007 – Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India; 58th IAC (September 24–28, 2007)
  • 2008 – Glasgow, United Kingdom; 59th IAC (September 29 – October 3, 2008)
  • 2009 – Daejeon, South Korea; 60th IAC (October 12–16, 2009)
  • 2010 – Prague, Czech Republic; 61st IAC (September 27 – October 1, 2010)
  • 2011 – Cape Town, South Africa; 62nd IAC (October 3–7, 2011)
  • 2012 – Naples, Italy; 63rd IAC (October 1–5, 2012)
  • 2013 – Beijing, China; 64th IAC (September 23–27, 2013)
  • 2014 – Toronto, Canada; 65th IAC (September 29 – October 3, 2014)
  • 2015 – Jerusalem, Israel; 66th IAC (October 12–16, 2015)
  • 2016 – Guadalajara, Mexico; 67th IAC (September 26–30, 2016)
  • 2017 - Adelaide, Australia; 68th IAC (September 25-29, 2017)
  • 2018 - Bremen, Germany; 69th IAC (September 29-October 5, 2018)
  • 2019 - Washington DC, USA; 70th IAC (October 21-October 25, 2019)
  • 2020 - First Cyberspace Edition of IAC (October 12 - 14, 2020) (because of COVID pandemic)
  • 2021 - Dubai, UAE (25-29 October 2021)
  • 2022 - Paris France (18 - 22 September)
  • 2023 - Baku, Azerbaijan (2 - 6 October)
  • 2024 - Milan, Italy (14 - 18 October)