Jan 12 2009

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The Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) published a report titled “The Role of Space in Addressing America’s National Priorities,” which concluded that the United States could “no longer afford to treat its national security, civil, and commercial space capabilities separately.” Therefore, AIA recommended that President Barack H. Obama’s administration “develop a mechanism to look at our space capabilities as a single enterprise consistent with national goals and objectives.” The report suggested that, in developing its space initiatives, the United States confronts many issues that are not so clearly defined as the goals of its space programs— returning to the Moon or sending humans to Mars. Instead, the United States faces a host of complex challenges, such as protecting its satellites from hostile actions; easing export-control laws to facilitate the competitiveness of U.S.companies in the global marketplace for space hardware; and maintaining an experienced space industry workforce. To address these and related issues, the AIA report recommended that the Obama administration establish a national coordinating body to develop and execute a national space strategy and provide the funding necessary to continue critical multiyear space programs.

Aerospace Industries Association, “AIA Report Recommends Space Policies for New Administration,” news release 12 January 2009, http://www.aia-aerospace.org/newsroom/aia_news/aia_report_recommends_space_policies_for_new_administration/ (accessed 7 February 2011); Andy Pasztor, “U.S. Faces New Space Race,” Wall Street Journal, 13 January 2009.

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