Mar 16 1995

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A Soyuz TM-21 has launched the first U.S. astronaut to the Mir station. Astronaut Norman E. Thagard, M.D., lifted off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on March 14, and the Soyuz docked with Mir on March 16. Thagard and the other Soyuz cosmonauts will spend three months on Mir, then return aboard Space Shuttle Atlantis. (NASA Release 95-25; NY Times, Mar 14/95, Mar 15/95 & Mar 17/95; W Post, Mar 14/95, Mar 15/95, Mar 17/95 & Apr 23/95; USA Today, Mar 14/95 & Jun 7/95; Fla Today, Apr 2/95 & Jun 7/95; Space News, May 1/95; Reuters, Mar 13/95; AP, Mar 13/95, Mar 3/14 & Apr 9/95; UPI, Mar 11/95; Av Wk, Mar 20/95 & Apr 17/95)

Global views of Venus from Magellan's imaging radar were released. They will be the basis for all future scientific studies of Venus and the maps for any future missions to Earth's sister planet. Magellan was launched May 4, 1989 and concluded last October after mapping more than 98 percent of the plan-et. Space radar findings also continue to contribute to a better understanding of Earth. (NASA Releases 95-28 & 201; Science, Dec 1/95)

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