Nov 1 1970

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Nixon Administration was "moving to make the hydraheaded Federal science and technology apparatus more responsive to the nation's needs," New York Times reported. New-effort, to be tested in early 1971, would identify priorities in science and technology and weigh them to determine "where they will rank in the struggle for Federal dollars." OST and NSF officials had said in interviews that they were determined to bring better order into system of Federal research agencies. Reorganization efforts would focus on $14billion-a-year R&D programs to translate scientific knowledge into better housing, mass transportation, cleaner air, and "healthier people." Dr. Edward E. David, Jr., Presidential Science Adviser, had emphasized that pure and basic research, currently allotted $2 billion per year, would be specifically exempted from reorganization. Current R&D budget was lowest in five fiscal years and smallest in decade in terms of constant dollars. (Lyons, NYT, 11/1/70, 1)

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