PRINCIPLES OF ASTRONAUTICS by Vertregt, M. reviewed by Frederick I. Ordway III
From The Space Library
by Vertregt, M.
Amsterdam, 1960: Elsevier Publishing Co., 221 pages, $3.50 (available through D. van Nostrand Co., Inc.,
Principles of Astronautics provides a good, technical treatment of astronautics "... for the advanced reader, who is not afraid of occasional mathematical equations." Emphasis is on trajectories and orbits, but the rocket and rocket motor are given treatment. Chapter titles are: "Why Space Travel?", "History of the Rocket," "The Rocket," "The Principles of Rocket Motion," "The Design of the Liquid-Propellant Rocket," "Elements of Astronautics," "The Step Rocket," "Orientation in Space," "Interplanetary Orbits," "The Celestial Bodies and Interplanetary Space," and 'The Future of Space Travel."
Extracted from the 1962 Publication Annotated Bibliography of Space Science and Technology with an Astronomical Supplement - A History of Astronautical Book Literature 1931 - 1961. by Frederick I. Ordway III