Sep 14 1961
From The Space Library
USAF C-130B cargo plane snagged the parachuting capsule of Discoverer XXX north of Hawaii, Capt. W. C. Schmensted as pilot.
White House released its reply to letter of August 27 signed by 35 Members of Congress which expressed concern over the private ownership of an operational communications satellite system. The White House memorandum stated that "any decisions as to control should preserve as much flexibility as possible," and reemphasized the administration policies including "maximum competition" in any system of private ownership.
Resolutions calling for the creation of an international space year program and an international space agency, both under the auspices of the United Nations, introduced in the Senate by Senator Hubert Humphrey.
AEC announced that the Soviet Union had fired its 10th nuclear blast in the current test series begun 2 weeks ago.
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