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From The Space Library
Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "01._Are_there_aliens" retrieved in 0.004 sec with these stats:
- "01" found 1884 times in 1081 documents
- "are" found 19853 times in 5598 documents
- "there" found 19718 times in 3479 documents
- "alien" found 210 times in 126 documents
... far, these planets are extremely hot or cold and are subjected to intense radiation. While none of these planets would be comfortable for you or me to live on, there might be some ... /For%20Kids/KidstoSpace.html Click here
Category:Kids To Space
Category:Kids To Space - ALIENS
There are no infectious diseases (like malaria, cholera, or yellow fever) in space, like you might encounter when traveling on Earth. So, no shots to protect travelers in space are needed. However, depending upon where you are when you launch and where you are when you land, you might need a shot for ...
... hundred miles into space and see what the Earth looks like from there. You may have to wait until you are through college before you can go to the Moon. Mars will ...
... be attributed to weather phenomena, planets, stars or even experimental airplanes, there are some that cannot be explained. Scientists and others are still investigating these other sightings to see what they could be ... /For%20Kids/KidstoSpace.html Click here
Category:Kids To Space
Category:Kids To Space - ALIENS
To date, we have not found any aliens, although, we have numerous ways to monitor asteroid and other space material movement. Any asteroid ...
When you are ready to take a trip into space there will be a number of places to start from. Folks are designing spaceports that you and your family will enjoy visiting, even if you do not take a ride yourself. There will be space games and souvenir shops and maybe space theme parks there.
Answer provided by Derek Webber & Rick Homans & Eric Anderson ...
Yes, but there will also be new experiences such as weightlessness.
Answer provided by Lucy Jane Miller, Ph. ...
... contaminants around the Station was a factor in not selecting this concept for this application. There are several types of electro-thermal rockets, including resisto-jets, arc-jets, induction-heated jets, and ... high voltages or magnetic fields. There are many different types of electric thrusters. The electric power to operate these thrusters is currently provided by solar panels, and there are plans to someday use nuclear ...
... elements found almost anywhere we look, Hydrogen (H), and Oxygen (O). Hydrogen, Helium, and Oxygen are the most plentiful elements that we know of in our Universe, and can be found ...
... station would be a departure and arrival point to and from other points in space. There are two principle difficulties to be overcome to make this concept feasible. A material that has ... decrease the orbit velocity allowing the vehicle to fall into a lower orbit. Beyond Mars there is little thrust since the intensity of the sunlight is weak. Close to the Sun ... drives also are not within our current technical capabilities, but are not entirely ruled out by our current laws of physics. Who knows what some clever scientist may think of? There are many, many ...
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