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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "01._How_big_is_a_spaceship" retrieved in 0.012 sec with these stats:

  • "01" found 1884 times in 1081 documents
  • "how" found 9066 times in 2689 documents
  • "big" found 2524 times in 729 documents
  • "is" found 42921 times in 8383 documents
  • "a" found 169943 times in 18151 documents
  • "spaceship" found 571 times in 389 documents

A spaceship can be almost any size. Some satellites with cameras or other sensors are as small as a piece of notebook paper and several inches thick. Spaceships that carry humans must be large ... so forth). But remember that the spaceship (or its pieces, if it is to be assembled in space) must be launched from Earth, so usually "smaller is better." ---- Answer provided by Jon H ...
... miles across from side to side, or 25,000 miles around the equator, which is pretty biga modern jetliner takes nearly two days to fly around it. But an astronaut gets around it in only an hour and a half. There are bigger planets such as Jupiter, which is 11 times bigger than Earth. The Earth is almost a perfect sphere but is slightly flattened at the poles, so there is a difference ...
A spaceship can be nearly any weight from a few ounces to millions of pounds. The NASA Space Shuttle weighs about 4.5 million ... .NASA, National Space Transportation System Reference, Volume 1 Systems and Facilities, June 1988. This document is available on the Internet at: ...
... to determine that our observable Universe has a radius of about 13.7 billion light years plus or minus 200 million light years. This is an incredible achievement for humans—from our position on Earth in a galaxy called the Milky Way, scientists called cosmologists have ...
The Milky Way Galaxy is very large, any way you look at it. It is about 100,000 light years across. That's really big. Our solar system orbits the galaxy, similar to the way the Earth orbits the Sun. The galaxy is so big that we have only completed one orbit—called a galactic year— since dinosaurs first appeared 220 million years ...
Pluto is about 70 percent as big as the Earth's Moon, or 18 percent as big as the Earth. It's the smallest planet but is twice the size of the largest asteroid ...
... limiting factor of the speed of light) is about 13.7 billion light years That number is so big that I can't even come up with a comparison to make it meaningful. ---- Answer ...
... space, just as furniture does in a bedroom. Then imagine ten astronauts sharing this room for a 14-day mission. It really gets pretty cramped and there is not much privacy. Actually, weightlessness helps out here because it is easy to move about and ...
... about 4,229 miles. However, since Mars has no oceans, the surface area of Mars is approximately equal to that of the dry land on Earth. ---- Answer provided by Laura Peckyno ...
... to the two Martian rovers, Spirit and Opportunity that are each only 400 pounds, it is easy to see which are the biggest. CanadArm 2, on the ISS ... to travel as far as either the Moon or Mars rovers. It is an important fact that the farther away a robot has to travel, the lighter it should be. The lighter something is, the cheaper it is to send into space. The smallest is the American rover Sojourner ...

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