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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "01._How_did_Jupiter_get_its_name" retrieved in 0.009 sec with these stats:

  • "01" found 1884 times in 1081 documents
  • "how" found 9066 times in 2689 documents
  • "did" found 8924 times in 1513 documents
  • "jupit" found 1823 times in 833 documents
  • "get" found 9897 times in 1611 documents
  • "it" found 81427 times in 11675 documents
  • "name" found 4411 times in 2499 documents

Jupiter was named after the king of Olympus, a powerful figure in Roman mythology—also known as Zeus to the Greeks. However, because Jupiter is visible to the naked eye, even the ancient Sumerians and Babylonians knew of the planet. The ancients referred to the planet as Enlil, Marduk, Udaltar, Mul-Babbar, and other names ... /For%20Kids/KidstoSpace.html Click here Category:Kids To Space Category:Kids To Space - JUPITER
... its name from an early English word for the soil beneath our feet. The ancients referred to it as "Mother Earth" because it provided everything we needed, just as our human mothers did ... how desolate it was, they looked back at their home planet, which looked so welcoming in contrast, and called it the "Good Earth." How ...
... names during its history. After its discovery, the planet was first named the Georgian Planet, or George for short, after England's King George III. Astronomers outside of England, however, did not approve of the name and could not agree upon an appropriate name for the planet. Many suggestions including Herschel, Astraea and even ...
The ancient Sumerians originally named Mercury Ubu-Idim-gud-ud. The ancient Greeks, thinking it was actually two different planets, called it Hermes when in the evening sky and Apollo when in the morning sky. Finally, the Romans named the planet after Mercury ...
... official name for Neptune, it was just known as "the planet past Uranus". Astronomers suggested several names including Le Verrier's Planet, Janus, and Oceanus. Finally, in 1846, astronomers agreed upon the name Neptune ...
... see, humans have known about Venus since ancient times, although it was first thought to be a star. Ancient Mayans called it Chak'ek—the Great Star—and the Babylonians ... Greeks thought it was two planets and called it Hesperus when it appeared in the western evening sky and Phosphorus when it appeared in the eastern morning sky. Finally, the planet was named Venus after ...
We are not sure how the planet Saturn got its name. When we look to mythology, Saturn was the Roman god of fertility and agriculture. ---- Answer ...
... the Greek god of the underworld, an appropriate name for a world at the dark outer edge of the solar system. Also, its first two letters are the initials of Percival Lowell ...
The Romans named Mars after the god of war, also known to the Greeks as Ares. Before then, ...
The color of the atmosphere is related to its composition. Unlike Earth, where only water condenses to form clouds, Jupiter's clouds are made of many elements and compounds. The upward and ... /For%20Kids/KidstoSpace.html Click here Category:Kids To Space Category:Kids To Space - JUPITER

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