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From The Space Library
Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "01._Is_there_a_good_photo_of_Saturn" retrieved in 0.025 sec with these stats:
- "01" found 1884 times in 1081 documents
- "is" found 42921 times in 8383 documents
- "there" found 19718 times in 3479 documents
- "a" found 169943 times in 18151 documents
- "good" found 5712 times in 2288 documents
- "photo" found 2823 times in 2343 documents
- "of" found 295477 times in 20552 documents
- "saturn" found 3342 times in 1515 documents
This image is from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory website and shows two of Saturn's moons, Rhea and Dione, just below and to the left.
Image:K2Ssaturn.jpg border ... /For%20Kids/KidstoSpace.html Click here
Category:Kids To Space
Category:Kids To Space - SATURN
... to train in. In addition there are desktop computer-based simulators that can also teach you a lot about what your flight will be like. One good simulator that can simulate SpaceShipOne, the world's first private spacecraft, and give you a sense of what your flight will be like is called Orbiter. It is free online and ...
Scientists need to carefully select the location for a Martian settlement to ensure resources, such as water and power, are available. Astronauts also need ... radiation. Since Mars was once volcanically active, underground lava tubes might provide a safe habitat. Beyond the dangers of the Martian environment, daily life on Mars would not be much different from ...
There is no special film required, but digital cameras are recommended so that issues with film are avoided and images are available quickly. You also have the advantage of capturing just the pictures ...
- 09. Is there a greater chance of dying when going to space or when living on Earth? (A K2S Question)
... depends on what you are doing. As we've already said, spaceflight is a risky business. But so are many of the things people do on Earth, like skydiving, mountain climbing, and alligator ...
... NP) It is always a good idea to eat togethermdash;it provides time to relax and unwind, and to discuss the ... plans for the next day. It's also nice to socialize We don't need a dinner table, which would take up valuable space. We just eat from packets in our ...
Almost certainly there will be a limited amount of weight and space that will be allocated to each passenger. Probably the carrier will take care of the essentials necessary for survival, such as a safe ... means video games, books, DVDs, and music CDs and perhaps a couple of religious icons or something spiritually symbolic. While it is still a novelty, you will want to take things that you can ...
... We've discovered new moons around Saturn, have seen structures in the rings we hadn't seen before, and have observed features on the surfaces of Saturn's moon, including Titan, that we had never seen before. We are conducting a major exploratory expedition around Saturn with Cassini, and we are finding ...
... you can be assured that big storms would happen during the peak of the solar cycle. So I would pick a good time during the solar minimum but would stay in touch with ... Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) that might signal that our Sun is ready to hurl dangerous amounts of highly energetic particles in my direction. Then I would be off to the better-shielded parts of my spacecraft for safety It is also important to realize that even robotic spacecraft can be affected by the ...
... that planet is on the other side of the Sun. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto require a telescope. Technically, Uranus can be seen without a telescope if you have good eyesight and you are in a very ...
Additional database time was 0.038 sec.
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