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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "01._Why_are_there_astronauts" retrieved in 0.006 sec with these stats:
- "01" found 1884 times in 1081 documents
- "whi" found 1970 times in 699 documents
- "are" found 19853 times in 5598 documents
- "there" found 19718 times in 3479 documents
- "astronaut" found 19745 times in 7364 documents
Astronauts explore the final frontier of outer space.
Answer provided by Col. USAF (Ret.) Rick Searfoss
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Category:Kids To Space
Category:Kids To Space - ASTRONAUTS
There are nine planets orbiting the Sun at various distances. It just so happens that the four smaller planets—Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars—are far different and much closer than the remaining planets which are relatively much farther away from the Sun. Thus, it is ...
In Martian winter, the poles are in continual darkness and the surface gets so cold that nearly a quarter of the ... atmosphere condenses into thick slabs of carbon dioxide ice. During Martian spring, when the poles are again exposed to sunlight, the ice turns directly into a gas without becoming liquid, creating ...
... crater be formed. The force emitted downwards will compress and shock the underlying material, but there's really nowhere for it to go, with a whole planet blocking the way. The ...
... air in tanks with them when they go underwater, astronauts have to carry their air with them as well. So far there is no planet or moon we have found that has ...
... will always be remembered by the crew. The morning of launch is filled with excitement. There is continuous conversation with Mission Control about the predicted weather at the landing site, and ... the software from on orbit support to re-entry, and verify that the computers are ready and that there are no funny things that could cause a problem. The crew has practiced each of these procedures and recovery from possible failures during training. There is nothing more to do ...
There are a number of accessories on the spacesuit. There are lights attached to the helmet so that the astronauts can see in the darkness as they work. Remember that during a six hour EVA, the astronauts can possibly go ... . There is a video camera attached to the helmet so that flight controllers in Mission Control can see exactly what the astronauts are seeing. The suit has tethers attached so that the astronauts can ...
... ten years, we have found over 150 planets that are outside our solar system. So far, these planets are extremely hot or cold and are subjected to intense radiation. While none of these planets would be comfortable for you or me to live on, there might be some animals that like living there. In the ...
There are no infectious diseases (like malaria, cholera, or yellow fever) in space, like you might encounter when traveling on Earth. So, no shots to protect travelers in space are needed. However, depending upon where you are when you launch and where you are when you land, you might need a shot for ...
Yes, there are different sizes of spacesuits. Each astronaut is individually fitted with his or her own spacesuit. As some astronauts are tall, some are short, some are heavier and some are thin, each suit must be made to fit each person's body. There are ...
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