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From The Space Library
Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "02._Are_there_already_suggested_sites" retrieved in 0.006 sec with these stats:
- "02" found 1706 times in 1037 documents
- "are" found 19853 times in 5598 documents
- "there" found 19718 times in 3479 documents
- "alreadi" found 2027 times in 1326 documents
- "suggest" found 1828 times in 1318 documents
- "site" found 3508 times in 2024 documents
Today there are six different places in the US where some kind of launch can take place. Most of them have been there for ages—like Kennedy Space Center in Florida, Vandenberg ... place in 2004, and where the first tourism flights will take place in 2016. Additionally, there are nearly a dozen new spaceports being planned for space tourism, in Texas, Nevada, Oklahoma, New ...
There are no buildings on the Moon today. There will be resorts and towns on the Moon within the next 50 years.
Answer provided ...
There are no space animals known yet, but there might be a small possibility that we may someday find signs of life on other ...
Outside of the Earth's protective shield, ionizing radiation is the radiation of concern for human spaceflight: Ionizing radiation, when absorbed in a living cell, ionizes atoms or molecules and may result in cell death or changes leading to cancer or other changes years after exposure. Ionizing radiation can be grouped into three classes of energy: 1. Galactic cosmic radiation (GCR) is composed ...
... 's Guide, is a private spaceflight guide Other books that we recommend before your flight are The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams and Our Universe by Roy Gallant ... you board an airplane—and how to have a great time, which probably you already know how to do. Any training would help you do those two things. Before you ... , although for fun you might want to learn a little more about the spaceship you are on, how it works, and what cool things you can do while you ...
Actually, there is oxygen in space; however, the majority of it has already been captured gravitationally by stars, planets, or other celestial bodies. So space is almost a perfect vacuum, but gas and dust particles do float around out there. These particles are referred ...
... electricity must come from some source, such as solar panels. These devices were once suggested for providing thrust for the Space Station attitude control (orientation) using electricity from its ... voltages or magnetic fields. There are many different types of electric thrusters. The electric power to operate these thrusters is currently provided by solar panels, and there are plans to someday use ...
... on the surface that can only form in the presence of liquid water. This strongly suggests that Mars was once wet. The rovers have found no indication of plant life, but ... some point in Mars' past. The Mars Global Surveyor has taken pictures of features suggesting that there may even be current sources of liquid water at or near the surface of the ...
... orbiter can abort to the launch site, or abort to a landing site in Africa or Europe, or even make it to orbit. In other words, there are several methods of escape depending on ...
... Virgin Galactic has already sold many tickets for its first space flights. There is a family from France who is making a reservation and hopes to be the ... his mother and father on the first flight. We hope many other families will follow. There are sure to be some special deals available.
Answer provided by Sir Richard Branson & Jim Zebrowski ...
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