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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "02._How_big_are_asteroids" retrieved in 0.004 sec with these stats:

  • "02" found 1706 times in 1037 documents
  • "how" found 9066 times in 2689 documents
  • "big" found 2524 times in 729 documents
  • "are" found 19853 times in 5598 documents
  • "asteroid" found 1897 times in 671 documents

The largest asteroids are a few hundred miles across. From there they go down to about the size of ... /For%20Kids/KidstoSpace.html Click here Category:Kids To Space Category:Kids To Space - ASTEROIDS, COMETS, AND METEORS
... is pretty big—a modern jetliner takes nearly two days to fly around it. But an astronaut gets around it in only an hour and a half. There are bigger planets ...
... you look at it. It is about 100,000 light years across. That's really big. Our solar system orbits the galaxy, similar to the way the Earth orbits the Sun. The galaxy is so big that we have only completed one orbit—called a galactic year— since dinosaurs ...
... covers the entire surface of the planet and extends upward with increasingly lower density. There are a few atoms of the Earth's atmosphere extending to the Moon's orbit. ---- Answer ...
... planet in our solar system, scientists have recently discovered planets in other solar systems that are even bigger ---- Answer provided by Laura Peckyno & Robert Peckyno Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and ...
... are only around the gas giants. The gas giants are very, very big compared to the Earth. Because each set of rings has to be bigger than the planet they surround, the rings are very, very, very big. ---- Answer provided ...
They are made mostly of water ice. They consist of many, many particles of ice, from the sizes of powder to chunks as big as small apartment buildings. ---- Answer provided by Carolyn ...
... board your spacecraft. These tanks are used to re-fill the oxygen used on an EVA. Some very intelligent people on the ground know in advance how much oxygen you will need during your space trip and will make sure you have enough stored oxygen to last. The oxygen tanks on board the spacecraft are pretty ...
Satellites come in all shapes and sizes. Weighing about 180 pounds, Sputnik 1 was a shiny aluminum ball just two feet in diameter, with four "sweptback" antennas. Inmarsat 4, a more recent communications satellite, weighs 100 times more, has a width of 150 feet with its solar cells extended, and is as tall as a house. ---- Answer provided by Derek Webber Image:K2S logosmall.jpg ...
The largest rocket ever built was the Saturn V rocket that was used to carry people to the Moon and back. This rocket was about 363 feet tall and weighed about 2,250 metric tons when fully fueled. The Space Shuttle with the external tank and solid rocket boosters is a little over 184 feet tall and weighs about 2000 metric tons. ---- Answer provided by John W. Cole Image:K2S logosmall. ...

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