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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "02._How_do_planets_form" retrieved in 0.004 sec with these stats:

  • "02" found 1706 times in 1037 documents
  • "how" found 9066 times in 2689 documents
  • "do" found 16375 times in 2434 documents
  • "planet" found 6671 times in 2647 documents
  • "form" found 3027 times in 1866 documents

Planets are composed of a very large cloud of dust and gas contracted into a disk. At the center, a ball of gas formed into a star—our Sun. Many small balls of gas and dust orbiting our new Sun contracted into planets. ---- Answer provided by Ed Frederick ... /For%20Kids/KidstoSpace.html Click here Category:Kids To Space Category:Kids To Space - PLANETS
... compresses all the empty space inside an atom and forces the electrons and protons to form neutrons. The star then becomes a neutron star. But if it is above a certain ...
... an oblong crater be formed. The force emitted downwards will compress and shock the underlying material, but there's really nowhere for it to go, with a whole planet blocking the way ... pieces may make secondary craters farther out, and lighter material may form lighter-colored rays radiating outwards from the newly formed crater. ---- Answer provided by Thomas Matula, Ph.D. & Kenneth J. Murphy ...
... preparation for landing a simple calculation is completed. There are some known facts: how fast we are going, how high we are, and where we want to land. This is an energy ...
We are not sure how the planet Saturn got its name. When we look to mythology, Saturn was the Roman god of ...
... , over the next tens of millions of years, these small planetisimals collided and combined to form the planets we now see before us, including our own Earth. In our solar system, we ... be present on many planets and moons, we believe that water can be found on them as well, if, their atmospheres are cool enough to allow water to form, and thick enough ... some deep craters, we are generally unlikely to find water or ice on those planets that form close to a sun because they will be very hot and will usually also lack ...
... and planets slowly formed from a cloud of gas and dust. Astronomers study meteorites, some of the oldest rocks in the solar system, to learn about how and when our Sun and planets were created. Some of these meteorites are 4.6 billion years old According to current theories, Uranus and all of the planets in our ...
... caused the balls of dust and gas to rotate, which in turn caused the newly formed planets to move around the Sun, and also to spin. ---- Answer provided by Ed Frederick, Ph ... /For%20Kids/KidstoSpace.html Click here Category:Kids To Space Category:Kids To Space - PLANETS
We're very lucky that we have one. None of the other inner planets of the solar system are blessed with such a large companion, and it's thought ... role in the rise of life on Earth. There have been many theories as to how the Moon came to be in our orbit. Was it a wanderer from afar captured ... of the Earth? Was the Earth spinning so fast that it flung it off? Given how close the Moon's rocks and minerals seem to match those of Earth (just without ...
... an astronaut gets around it in only an hour and a half. There are bigger planets such as Jupiter, which is 11 times bigger than Earth. The Earth is almost a ...

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