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From The Space Library
Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "02._Is_hyperspace_travel_possible" retrieved in 0.006 sec with these stats:
- "02" found 1706 times in 1037 documents
- "is" found 42921 times in 8383 documents
- "hyperspac" found 7 times in 4 documents
- "travel" found 3479 times in 2134 documents
- "possibl" found 5102 times in 3354 documents
... be physically possible—meaning possible without violating the physical principles that describe how nature works—not everything is technically possible or economically possible. It may be that building a spaceship capable of hyperspace travel would require more resources than we have on Earth or cost more money than we have in all of the banks on the planet. This is a really ...
That's for each person to decide—but the people engaged in it obviously think so As a society, we'll benefit from it both as economic activity and as a spur to building a skilled workforce. Space will also generate scientific discoveries and the creation of new technologies. I also think we'll benefit from the inspiration it provides. And someday, we'll benefit from having more living ...
... to find other solar systems with other planets around other stars in our galaxy. The possibility is present that there may be other worlds in other solar systems that are suitable for ...
This book, Kids to Space: A Space Traveler's Guide, is a private spaceflight guide Other books that we recommend before your flight are The Hitchhikers ... Douglas Adams and Our Universe by Roy Gallant. The only thing you need to learn is how to stay safe on your trip—just like when you board an airplane ...
... forever. If we use solar panels, we will always have electricity as long as there is sunlight. Nuclear energy lasts a long time. But we can't say it is unlimited, because it will depend on how much we use. The amount of electricity we ... , because fuel has weight and mass, and that takes up room. So, probably each person traveling in space will have a certain amount of electricity that they can use each per ...
... from the past. Many of the moons show signs of containing deep oceans that could possibly harbor life. These same conditions could easily exist on some distant planet orbiting another star ...
Space is a cold, dark environment that does not have breathable air for humans. Without a vehicle with vital life support systems, it would be impossible to travel both to and in space. NASA has been leading the nation's efforts to explore space since 1958. Since then NASA has done everything they possibly can to ...
... warm and cold in space. Temperature is a measure of heat energy. In space there is no air so heat transports by radiation—for example, you feel warmth when you hold your hand near a red-hot stove. The Sun is the major source of heat in space. The Earth is also a major source of heat in space, since it ...
... are still doing a lot of growing and gravity is necessary for bones, muscles and internal organs to develop correctly. Also there is more radiation in space that might affect children's ...
It's exciting to blast off into space. The loudness is outside the vehicle. The crew feels the noise through the structure but they don't ...
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