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From The Space Library
Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "03._How_was_it_discovered" retrieved in 0.010 sec with these stats:
- "03" found 1871 times in 1089 documents
- "how" found 9066 times in 2689 documents
- "wa" found 89605 times in 11434 documents
- "it" found 81427 times in 11675 documents
- "discov" found 1490 times in 1087 documents
... have moved from the Earth-centered cosmos proposed by Aristotle and Plato, to one that was heliocentric as proposed by Copernicus, to one that now extends beyond our own Milky Way Galaxy to the distant parts of the entire Universe. Once he realized that our galaxy was only one of many galaxies in our Universe, Edwin Hubble provided us with a means ...
... of a planet beyond Neptune in the early 1900s because he thought some unknown planet was pulling Neptune slightly off-course. He made some searches in the parts of the sky ... and there is no additional planet pulling it off course—and Pluto is too small to affect Neptune's orbit anyway. So the search was successful even though the observations that ...
The Voyager 2 probe discovered ice volcanoes on Neptune's moon Triton, but not on the planet Neptune itself. These ...
It takes eight and one-half minutes for the Space Shuttle to reach a low Earth orbit. How long an orbit takes depends on how high above the Earth the orbit is. For low Earth orbit (about 200 miles above the Earth) it takes about 90 minutes ... the planet at the same rate that the planet is spinning To return to Earth, it takes the Shuttle about one hour.
Answer provided by Hazel McAndrews
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg ...
... is dangerous, and always will be. It's an unforgiving environment. Currently we have lost one orbiter and its crew every 65 launches or so. I was excited, but didn't worry, you never expect it to happen to you.
Answer provided by ...
... a highway from Earth to Polaris with a 75 mile per hour (mph) speed limit, it would take over 30 trillion years to get there.
Answer provided by Dirk Terrell, Ph ...
... is available, the number of hotels would simply depend on how many guests would be going to stay in space. It is possible that the first space station module would be open ...
On Skylab , it was picked up by the vacuum cleaner attachment and delivered to a special bag. We threw ...
... heading out to Saturn. Of course, if you had more fuel, more power, and everything was positioned just right, you could get there more quickly.
Answer provided by Laura Peckyno & Robert ...
... ,000,000,000,000 tons, so you would think it must be tough trying to weigh it. Scientists can figure it out, though, from its orbit and size, among other things.
Answer provided by ...
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