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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "04._How_much_moisture_is_there" retrieved in 0.007 sec with these stats:

  • "04" found 1602 times in 935 documents
  • "how" found 9066 times in 2689 documents
  • "much" found 5427 times in 2162 documents
  • "moistur" found 151 times in 109 documents
  • "is" found 42921 times in 8383 documents
  • "there" found 19718 times in 3479 documents

There is no moisture in space. Most of the water in the atmosphere freezes and falls in clouds at ...
... . It is possible that there are an infinite number of dimensions in space. Some new ideas, called string theory, describe the structure of atoms and the Universe using thirteen dimensions How can there be more dimensions than we experience every day? Some dimensions are apparently folded up so that we do not know that they are present. If you find this is hard ...
... one in over 25 years. That only costs about $20 million, but there are rumors that the price is about to go up. Via Space Adventures, five people have done it so ...
... cells combine hydrogen and oxygen for the purpose of generating electricity. Fortunately, very clean water is a by-product of this reaction, and we can add this water to the supply ...
... ;there's no economy class in a Virgin Galactic Spaceship It is really important that every astronaut has enough personal space to experience the joys of weightlessness and, of course, every seat is ...
... velocity depends on the type of rocket, the weight of the rocket structure, whether there is staging—that is, separating the booster in two or more segments— the amount of payload ...
... was spent on space-related projects, although some went to aeronautical projects, such as learning how to build better, faster, cheaper, quieter, and more fuel-efficient airplanes. If you throw in ... the rest of the world (Russia, Europe, China, India, Pakistan, and Israel, primarily.) the total is probably close to $30 billion. If you add to that the money spent by private ...
... laser off these instruments. Careful measurement of the results has shown us that the Moon is moving slowly away from us, at about 1.5 inches per year. http://www.nasa ...
The seventh planet is about 20 times further from the Sun than Earth. ---- Answer provided by Laura Peckyno & Robert ...
... always have electricity as long as there is sunlight. Nuclear energy lasts a long time. But we can't say it is unlimited, because it will depend on how much we use. The amount of electricity we have will depend on a number of things: how much we can generate; how much we use at any one time; and how much fuel we ...

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