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From The Space Library
Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "04._What_are_the_regulations_for_our_travel" retrieved in 0.027 sec with these stats:
- "04" found 1602 times in 935 documents
- "what" found 14834 times in 2583 documents
- "are" found 19853 times in 5598 documents
- "the" found 506442 times in 20589 documents
- "regul" found 508 times in 340 documents
- "for" found 102369 times in 17182 documents
- "our" found 13536 times in 3452 documents
- "travel" found 3479 times in 2134 documents
... the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) to draw up regulations designed to make sure that space travel is as safe as possible for everybody involved. Virgin Galactic is helping the FAA with this task. Our ... great assistance in understanding the culture of safety that spaceline operators will need to have in order to meet the regulators' requirements and to do a good job for their passengers.
... : the orbiter, the external tank, and the two solid rocket boosters. As prepared for launch, the total assembly is 184.2 feet high, 76.6 feet from the belly of the external tank to the top of the orbiter vertical stabilizer, and 78.1 feet from orbiter wing tip-to-wing tip. (Ref.1) Measurements of the individual parts are: Orbiter ...
... , once again, based on our experience since the NASA Shuttle started flying in 1981, of one explosion in 115 flights, the odds of blowing up are one in 115.
Answer provided by Jon ... and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer
Image:9781894959421.jpg '''Buy This Book''' Click ...
... very little chance of a spaceship simply exploding. Although both the Challenger and Columbia exploded, there were many other factors resulting in the explosions.
Answer provided by Futron Corporation
Image:K2S logosmall ... and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer
Image:9781894959421.jpg '''Buy This Book''' Click here ...
... of an emergency requiring that they vacate the Station, would use the three-person Soyuz spacecraft docked to the Station to return to Earth. The Soyuz is replaced with a new one every six ... and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer
Image:9781894959421.jpg '''Buy This Book''' Click here ...
... for example, during the first three days of spaceflight the inner ear, which controls our balance, no longer works, and so the brain is confused, with the ... the Earth because gravity is not pulling the blood down to our feet. Some of the blood water is what makes the face swell; however, most of the extra blood not needed is eliminated from the ...
... are outside our definitions of space. Look at the middle of a piece of paper. How far is it from one side of the paper to the other? The sides of the paper are the thickness of the paper apart, but you would have to travel about eight inches to get to the edge of the paper and around to the ...
Some people give specific reasons for wanting to travel into space such as wanting to experience the excitement of being an astronaut, to view the Earth, to float in zero-gravity, to play zero ... people are also interested for spiritual reasons. These might be religious, but they also feel that the opportunity to view the Earth, to obtain an intense experience of the cosmos, and to look down upon the ...
... are ideas and predictions of what we may be able to do in space in the future, based on the technology and science that we know today. One example is the possibility of people traveling to other planets in our ...
... greater since the trip is longer and Mars is much farther away. Space travel is risky business. But remember, the risk of dying on a space trip is the flip side of the chance for living. So let's be optimistic and consider the chances for a successful ...
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