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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "05._Do_some_robots_have_nicknames_like_people_do" retrieved in 0.009 sec with these stats:
- "05" found 1766 times in 1000 documents
- "do" found 16375 times in 2434 documents
- "some" found 11262 times in 3386 documents
- "robot" found 2508 times in 1073 documents
- "have" found 26470 times in 6393 documents
- "nicknam" found 62 times in 55 documents
- "like" found 10632 times in 2766 documents
- "peopl" found 8900 times in 1957 documents
Yes, in fact most do. Many robots have very long names that we shorten into acronyms. For instance, the next Canadian robot to be sent to the ISS is called Special Purpose Dextrous Manipulator ... so was called SPDM. Even that name was not very nice so now the robot's new nickname is Dextre.
Answer provided by CAF Capt. Marc Fricker
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question ...
Working together is something that humans do very well. Getting your friend to help you lift a big rock is quite simple, but for robots it is almost impossible. There is a great deal of work going on today to get robots to work together. One of the best ways to test new robot designs is to have them play games. Robot soccer games are one of the most popular ways to test how well robots ...
Only Earth and Mars have frozen water and ice caps. Only Earth has running water. Pluto may be a big ...
All robots have a computer brain—that is what makes them robots. All robots have a certain amount of preprogramming, but today, all of them need humans in some kind of mission control to operate them. The next generations of robots that go ...
... that if a person wants to have access technology for a computer, they need to provide the screen reader, ... will be able to use those services using my screen reader. Something like this might well apply one day in space. Access technology for ... in a space hotel or spaceship would work with whatever access technology people are using. The approach of building universal access into the network and ...
... allowed on board the Space Shuttle or ISS Astronauts and cosmonauts have to bring approved deodorant and other hygiene items like toothbrushes and toothpaste on their missions in space. More information at ...
This is a recent pop-culture myth because the craters make it look like holes found in traditional Swiss cheese.
Answer provided by Thomas Matula, Ph.D. & Kenneth J. ...
... would be much harder to do, like eating a bowl of soup. At the same time, it would be much easier to move heavy objects. So we would have to learn a different ...
We will have to mine the resources whether they are on the surface or subsurface. Mining is defined ...
... and establish the environment. The oxygen in the hotel would have to be continually filtered and moisture and carbon dioxide (CO2) would have to be scrubbed out of the system. Our space ...
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