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From The Space Library
Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "05._Will_radiation_affect_our_film" retrieved in 0.005 sec with these stats:
- "05" found 1766 times in 1000 documents
- "will" found 24730 times in 5032 documents
- "radiat" found 3007 times in 1724 documents
- "affect" found 1167 times in 921 documents
- "our" found 13536 times in 3452 documents
- "film" found 1143 times in 560 documents
Yes, it affects film after several months in space. Since there is nothing to guard against direct sunlight in space, the radiation is greater and can cause the film, both before and after exposure ...
... that limits how much you can move around could affect your mood. However, there are many interesting things to see and learn that will keep you occupied, and it is possible to ...
... amount of mass or stuff it starts out with. A star like our Sun has too little mass and will never end its life with a catastrophic explosion, but larger stars with ... because of their extreme mass and size. If Betelgeuse were dropped in the position where our Sun is, it would extend all the way out beyond the orbits of Mars and ... away, you can easily see that the Sun will have very little influence over the life of the other 400 billion stars found in our Milky Way Galaxy.
Answer provided by Jim ...
Our technology has been progressing rapidly for many years and some of it is pretty advanced. ... primary thing about technology is that we never know what amazing thing we can or will achieve next. The progress of technology and society is limited by many things— cost ... are another—we must do things carefully so we don't destroy ourselves and our world. The demands of everyday life slow most work. Scientists and engineers are people and ...
... , we do not yet know if a trip to space will have long term health effects. A short trip of several days will probably have no health effects at all.
Answer provided ...
... . But we also have an obligation to encourage innovation and support new developments. So we will move quickly to green-light flights that we know are safe. In fact, next year ... spacecraft designed to take paying passengers into space. Once those tests are successful, then I will be ready to approve the first-ever commercial spaceflights for passengers, which I expect in ... ; you'll just need a ticket. It won't be cheap for awhile, but it will be possible someday – probably sooner than we think. One entrepreneur is already planning a ...
... pull would keep it in place. At first, the modules will orbit around the Earth but, in the future, the modules will be docked together in space and then a larger propulsion system or bus will move the stations to land on the Moon or ...
... be adventuring to new places. And then, when they have checked it out, tourists will be able to follow a few years later, if they want.
Answer provided by Derek ...
You cannot directly see the ozone layer from space. You will need a special instrument to "see" it. So the Space Shuttle carries the Shuttle ozone ...
... or supplies as the trips are quite short and return straight back to Earth. Passengers will be able to have cameras and probably a few small mementos that they can say have been to space In the future, orbital spaceships will need to have room for supplies and luggage and this will be a design consideration.
Answer provided by Sir Richard Branson ...
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