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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "06._How_fast_can_we_get_to_the_Moon" retrieved in 0.030 sec with these stats:
- "06" found 1630 times in 940 documents
- "how" found 9066 times in 2689 documents
- "fast" found 645 times in 445 documents
- "can" found 11535 times in 3515 documents
- "we" found 51112 times in 4364 documents
- "get" found 9897 times in 1611 documents
- "to" found 237454 times in 18716 documents
- "the" found 506442 times in 20589 documents
- "moon" found 11511 times in 3952 documents
... spaceship has to travel at a minimum of about 25,000 mph to get to the Moon. To go faster, we would only need more fuel. But when we get closer to the Moon and are ready to orbit it, we will have to use a lot more fuel to slow us down so that we don ...
... maneuvers in space to allow it to get closer to the Sun than any other spacecraft ever launched. It will eventually go into orbit around the planet Mercury and become the closest spacecraft that we have to the Sun. It has a special sunshade that keeps the ...
... space it depends how fast the spaceship can travel. The Apollo astronauts took about two days to get to the Moon.
Answer provided by Hazel McAndrews
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer
Image:9781894959421.jpg '''Buy This Book''' Click here
Category:Kids To ...
When we get to using nuclear rockets in space, we'll be able to get to the Moon in a few hours, or Mars in a few weeks. This will be done by constantly speeding up until we are halfway ... the quick 180 degree flip in the middle of the trip when occupants will be weightless while the spacecraft turns around. Using the car example, it can be thought of as the push against the safety belts when the ...
... , or we could do what's called a trans-lunar injection (TLI) burn to take us directly out to lunar orbit. From EML-1 we can get to anywhere on the Moon's surface at any time. Going to the Moon by way of a LEO station and EML-1 would take about a week—the same ...
... waste to clean up from the meal. Astronauts enjoy a wide variety of pre-prepared meals, and in the beginning it's likely we'll just be making more of them for shipment to the Moon. Once we get established on the Moon, with ...
... to the Moon. Two missions orbited the Moon without landing— Apollo 8 and Apollo 10 . One mission went around the Moon without going into orbit or landing— Apollo 13 , and six missions have landed on the Moon ... Book''' Click here
Category:Kids To Space
Category:Kids To Space - THE MOON
... mph. We don't have to go a specific speed to leave the atmosphere, but we have to be traveling at a minimum of 17,000 mph in order to stay in space and not crash to the Earth.
Answer provided by John Cavallaro
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie ...
Until we find old lava tubes and caves, the only way we are going to be going inside the Moon is to dig our way in. Because of the lower gravity, lack of water and lack of thermal activity, humans would be able to tunnel into the Moon to ...
The Moon is made up of mostly oxygen (O), 45 percent average abundance by mass; silica (Si), ... ).
Answer provided by Trygve Magelssen
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer
Image:9781894959421.jpg '''Buy This Book''' http ...
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