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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "06._Where_are_rockets_built" retrieved in 0.006 sec with these stats:
- "06" found 1630 times in 940 documents
- "where" found 6783 times in 2658 documents
- "are" found 19853 times in 5598 documents
- "rocket" found 16811 times in 6688 documents
- "built" found 2963 times in 1977 documents
Large aerospace companies build most of the large rocket vehicles in the world. There are a number of new smaller companies now trying to prove that they also can build ... /For%20Kids/KidstoSpace.html Click here
Category:Kids To Space
Category:Kids To Space - ROCKETS
The largest rocket ever built was the Saturn V rocket that was used to carry people to the Moon and back. This rocket was about 363 feet tall and weighed about 2,250 metric tons when fully fueled. The Space Shuttle with the external tank and solid rocket boosters is a little over 184 feet tall and weighs about 2000 metric tons.
Answer ... /For%20Kids/KidstoSpace.html Click here
Category:Kids To Space
Category:Kids To Space - ROCKETS
... , there is always that chance. Minor occurrences happen all the time and are referred to as anomalies. These are investigated to determine the cause and to determine whether or not they will ...
There are just two rooms on the orbiter: the flight deck, which can accommodate four people, and the mid deck just below, where up to six people can sit. There may be three to five sleep stations installed in the mid-deck that are sort of like bunk beds ...
Jet engines and liquid rocket engines have much in common. Both pump fuel and oxidizer into a combustion chamber to ... from the force of expanding gasses through the nozzle. The major conceptual difference is that rockets carry their oxidizer with them whereas jet engines use air as their source of oxygen. In rocket engine terminology, the term "jet" usually refers to the stream of hot gas that exits ...
Earth orbit comes first, and then the Moon. Probably Mars will come next, and its weird moons Phobos and Deimos, which look like big potatoes. Astronauts will explore some asteroids, and maybe go to some of the moons of other planets. Mercury and Venus may be too hot and dangerous to visit for a long time to come. Of course we will continue to send robots to all the planets and their moons.
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The toilet is located in the mid-deck close to the side hatch used by Shuttle astronauts to get into and out of the Shuttle.
Answer provided by Col. USAF (Ret.) William R. Pogue
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer
Image:9781894959421.jpg '''Buy This Book''' ...
- 22. How and where are we going to get money in the future to get to and from space? (A K2S Question)
In the future, just as today, the money will come from people, companies, and government agencies that need to get into space to accomplish their goals. Be they scientific research, tourism, communications, navigation, weather prediction, or entertainment, space exploration brings a wealth of opportunities to better ourselves as a civilization.
Answer provided by Ben Reytblat
... their new Society and the Moon rocket. They were able to get a sizable model of the rocket built by one of their members, then ... technical men for the task of assembling the rocket and the launch station in Toronto where the flight to the Moon will start.” Fox ... adds that no known tech drawings of his father’s early model rockets are extant. We may lastly remark that the excellent workmanship on this ...
... ,000-pound Ares rocket stages out of a C-17, so extracting a nuclear stage of comparable weight does not appear to be a problem.
Five, the B-4 was built and tested ... I will illustrate.
So now let’s take stock and see where we are. I advocate breaking the taboo on using nuclear rockets to reach and return from LEO, but believe in starting ... -itus” approach with chemical rockets where once a mission is defined and approved and then a rocket is built to fleet thinking, the procurement and operation of a number of nuclear rockets. Some will be ...
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