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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "07._Did_you_feel_nervous_or_just_excited" retrieved in 0.007 sec with these stats:
- "07" found 1861 times in 1145 documents
- "did" found 8924 times in 1513 documents
- "you" found 35744 times in 1428 documents
- "feel" found 1428 times in 528 documents
- "nervous" found 119 times in 82 documents
- "or" found 21946 times in 6355 documents
- "just" found 8953 times in 1570 documents
- "excit" found 1141 times in 661 documents
... -entry, but like most experiences, the excitement of it causes some anxiety and nervousness. Remember, you are in a big glider with not a lot of options if you encounter a major problem.
Answer ...
... essentially throws you through a certain curve and then follows that path. Since this is the path that your body would naturally follow, you feel weightless because the airplane is traveling with you, but is not touching or pushing on you, as is the case in normal gravity conditions ...
Your body actually doesn't feel heavy or light—you just float.
Answer provided by Byron Lichtenberg, Ph.D.
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer ...
... short trip, but it is nice to have a little reminder of your family or friends. Also, you might want to have a book to read, some CDs to listen to, DVD movies to watch, or computer games. I took music CDs to listen to while I was ...
... , or whether it is with the gravity of Earth or approximately zero-gravity. It is obvious that the body has a great capability and ability to adjust to changing situations. On orbit, you ... , an alien. When you return to Earth, you must adapt to this new environment, and the effects of gravity are a major part of your adjustment. You certainly feel heavy, but you are also unsteady ...
... a large object orbiting the Sun, and smaller objects orbiting the Sun are called asteroids or comets or other things. Some people think Pluto is large enough to be called a planet ... , but that doesn't mean it's not a planet. The Earth is just a ball of rock if you want to think of it that way. But in any case, what ...
... we are in the atmosphere, the sounds that we hear are similar to those that you would normally hear on a commercial aircraft. The crew is also wearing helmets that help ... . The most load felt by the crew is approximately two g-forces, significantly less than you would feel on a roller coaster.
Answer provided by Col. USAF (Ret.) Frederick D. Gregory
Image ...
During launch, you could get a small feeling of the speed by watching the ground move away faster and faster, but in space it is hard to tell how fast you are going. This is because you are ...
The feeling is of floating, somewhat like being in the water, but there is no resistance. While most people tend to start by kicking their legs, that will not make you move in space. So far, about three-fourths of the people who have gone into space have some feelings of space sickness. The good news ...
... a set schedule with eight hours set aside for sleep. Astronauts can feel sleepy if they sleep too little or are trying to stay awake when their biological clock says they should ...
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