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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "08._Would_it_be_good_for_families" retrieved in 0.018 sec with these stats:
- "08" found 1648 times in 934 documents
- "would" found 42637 times in 9226 documents
- "it" found 81427 times in 11675 documents
- "be" found 50529 times in 10727 documents
- "good" found 5712 times in 2288 documents
- "for" found 102369 times in 17182 documents
- "famili" found 1012 times in 563 documents
A move into space for a family will be much like a family moving to a foreign country. There will be new ways to do things, new rules and regulations, new food, new places, new clothes you have to wear and so forth. A family that handles new challenges well will be just fine.
Answer provided by Sheryl L. Bishop, Ph.D.
Image:K2S ...
At the moment we really don't have any idea what an alternate universe would be like, or how we could get there. I suspect that by the time you finish ... Schorer
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Category:Kids To Space
Category:Kids To Space - GALAXY ...
This great adventure would be one big experience full of fun and learning. There is nothing that could separate the fun from the learning. It will be the grandest and most important opportunity in ... objective of the mission. So leisure time is a part of the planned schedule and it would be for your mission, too.
Answer provided by Pam Leestma
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer ...
... the Moon, because we're not doing this just for fun. In the early years support from Earth will be critical, and it will be easy for support to wane among the general public. Having businesses and trades involved in the development of the community will be important, so that it's not ...
It is difficult to predict when it will be possible for people to travel to space and live there, but what we can be sure of is that the arrival of affordable and safe manned ... very close. This will be a small but incredibly significant step to more ambitious plans, including establishing permanent human communities away from Earth. Design and construction for space hotels is well advanced ...
... boosters. The resulting acceleration can create as much as three times the g-forces, making it hard for you to breathe and move. Once you reach space, at 62 miles— ... visit this hotel would include taking many physical, environmental and psychological tests. Guests may even be required to have training in simulators. Before the guests begin their journey, it would have to be determined whether ...
... gravity, weighted shoes would not help. Every celestial body has a specific escape velocity—this is the speed that needs to be achieved to escape the gravitational pull. For the Earth, this speed is approximately 25,000 miles per hour (mph). For the Moon, it is about 5,300 mph ... Ceres, the largest known asteroid in the solar system, it is about 1,000 mph, so on all of these celestial bodies it would be impossible to move fast enough to just float away ...
... for the elevator will actually be hanging down from space. The ribbon will be very tight so there will be very little wobbling. Because of the length and weight the ribbon will need to be very strong, many times stronger than steel. It will be made of carbon nanotubes— the strongest material ever made. Some ... smallest pieces, will hit the ribbon but it can survive these. Airplanes will be directed to stay away from the ribbon and the ribbon will be moved to avoid the largest debris.
Answer ...
... training. Over the next many years we will build larger and higher quality habitats. Someday it will be easier to live in space than on the Earth because of zero-gravity.
... Schorer
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We would be able to walk on Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, and Pluto, but it would be very hard to walk on Mercury and Venus because they are too hot.
Answer provided ... Schorer
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Category:Kids To Space - PLANETS ...
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