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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "08._Would_we_have_hydroponic_gardening" retrieved in 0.009 sec with these stats:

  • "08" found 1648 times in 934 documents
  • "would" found 42637 times in 9226 documents
  • "we" found 51112 times in 4364 documents
  • "have" found 26470 times in 6393 documents
  • "hydropon" found 18 times in 12 documents
  • "garden" found 101 times in 80 documents

Most likely. Hydroponic gardening is one of the most efficient and productive methods for transporting nutrients and oxygen to ...
We have some decorations and music that we take with us—but they have to be lightweight and flame retardant, of course—and there are some that the ...
Yes, before you go, it would be very important to study as much as you can about space-related topics, especially ... fill your mind with a deeper understanding of your topic during your trip. You will have a chance to return with much better and more informed experiences to share with others. You may even make a difference in people's lives by what you have experienced because you were prepared for your trip and were able to learn more than ...
... Moon and other planets is still many years in the future, we'll think about missions above the Earth. We'd need to bring all the chemicals or plants or animals that ... like thermometers must be packed for the trip too. It might also be necessary to have a freezer for the storage of collected samples like seeds, eggs or blood specimens. And ...
You may have a harder time in space because calming can come from slow rocking and deep pressure, ... passengers in the space station or space hotel. To compensate, sensory awareness and sensory activities would have to be exaggerated for all the other senses so that the brain will still get ...
... the park. You could only go outside if you have been properly trained, and you are accompanied by an experienced crewmember. Guests would have to wear their spacesuits to take this walk around ...
... at looking at the Earth and understanding where I was. Different places on the Earth have different textures and colors, and after a while I could differentiate between the craggy sharp ...
... in an analogous situation before being relayed to the crew to use. You wouldn't have to figure it out by yourself. ---- Answer provided by Futron Corporation Image:K2S logosmall.jpg ...
We would need spacesuits and artificial environments to survive on the planet Mars. There have been many debates and studies about artificially engineering an Earth-like environment on Mars (called terraforming). However, many challenges and ethical issues would need to be overcome ...
Everyone on your crew would have responsibility for an area of study. Before you left on your trip, you would know and understand what the mission objective would be, assignments would be given based on your interest, and then you would prepare for your trip to space. Your mission would be very important. Upon your return, you would become a ...

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