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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "09._Are_there_storms_on_Saturn" retrieved in 0.009 sec with these stats:
- "09" found 1688 times in 893 documents
- "are" found 19853 times in 5598 documents
- "there" found 19718 times in 3479 documents
- "storm" found 1023 times in 557 documents
- "on" found 78459 times in 14291 documents
- "saturn" found 3342 times in 1515 documents
Yes, and they give off lightning discharges just like on Earth, only much bigger.
Answer provided by Carolyn Porco, Ph.D.
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Category:Kids To Space
Category:Kids To Space - SATURN
There are geo-magnetic storms caused by disturbances on the Sun. These can be seen on the Earth as increased auroral displays and movement of the aurora to lower latitudes.
Answer ...
Well, there are no religious figures among the astronauts or cosmonauts that I'm aware of. It's an individual preference about who you include on your video conferences and some choose to ...
Asteroids are made of rock, and we believe anything in Saturn's rings is mostly ice.
Answer provided by Carolyn Porco, Ph.D.
Image:K2S logosmall. ... /For%20Kids/KidstoSpace.html Click here
Category:Kids To Space
Category:Kids To Space - SATURN
... the astronauts, such as methane, carbon dioxide, and ammonia. High efficiency particulate air filters (HEPA) are also used to remove hair and dead skin produced by the astronauts (yes, we all shed skin continuously). The filters are changed out as required by the flight crew to maintain a clean environment.
Answer provided ...
... impacted, back out into space. These pieces will continue to orbit the Sun, and, depending on a lot of things in orbital mechanics, may end up in the path of another ... found rocks from the Moon and Mars on Earth, usually in Antarctica or the Sahara desert, so there are almost certainly rocks from Mars and the Earth on our Moon. The question is where they're hidden. Rocks from Venus and Mercury are also possible, though less ...
Scientists believe that there are caves on the Moon, but we really haven't seen any direct evidence of them. The long sinuous rilles are formed from collapsed lava tubes, which served as pipelines ...
No, Moon's surface on average has an albedo, or reflectance of light, similar to that of charcoal. All light ... from the Earth, is significantly brighter than the light of a full Moon at night on Earth. No human has seen this yet.
Answer provided by Thomas Matula, Ph.D. & Kenneth ...
There are storms in space but they are unlike storms on Earth which can be a combination of high wind, rain and even oppressive heat. In ...
There are no buildings on the Moon today. There will be resorts and towns on the Moon within the next 50 years.
Answer provided by John Spencer
Image:K2S logosmall. ...
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