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From The Space Library
Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "09._Could_we_play_volleyball" retrieved in 0.005 sec with these stats:
- "09" found 1688 times in 893 documents
- "could" found 13857 times in 4938 documents
- "we" found 51112 times in 4364 documents
- "play" found 1080 times in 706 documents
- "volleybal" found 13 times in 10 documents
Indoor volleyball rules really wouldn't have to change to play it on the Moon. You wouldn't have to hit the ball as hard to ...
It would be best to play soccer inside since a spacesuit wouldn't give you much flexibility. The ball would travel ... the ball, a very talented soccer player wouldn't even need a bigger field to play on.
Answer provided by US Space and Rocket Center
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and ...
Finally, a game that can be played outside on the Moon A paintball course could be set up around one or two of the Moon's craters so there would ...
Some of the games that you will play in space will be very much like the ones you play here on Earth, while others will have a new twist. You can even ...
Basketball on the Moon might need a few adjustments. Since you would be playing indoors, the rubber ball would be fine except there would be a little too much ...
... in space, but some will work better than others. Any sports that you can play with your feet strapped down, like lacrosse and Frisbee, will work very well. A lot ...
... push a rocket with a special type of windmill. There are other kinds of power we could use in space: fuel cells, batteries, and nuclear power.
Answer provided by John Cavallaro
Image ...
... recommendations are to brush twice a day and floss once a day. The fluoride rinses could take the place of fluoride in the water. It would also be possible to use ...
... hide the really dim objects. Finally, from orbit you would not have any horizon and could see much more of the sky.
Answer provided by Jim Zebrowski
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg ...
... will eventually go into orbit around the planet Mercury and become the closest spacecraft that we have to the Sun. It has a special sunshade that keeps the electronics on board ...
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