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From The Space Library
Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "09._How_many_trips_will_there_be_each_year" retrieved in 0.012 sec with these stats:
- "09" found 1688 times in 893 documents
- "how" found 9066 times in 2689 documents
- "mani" found 5437 times in 2627 documents
- "trip" found 1280 times in 807 documents
- "will" found 24730 times in 5032 documents
- "there" found 19718 times in 3479 documents
- "be" found 50529 times in 10727 documents
- "each" found 4319 times in 2449 documents
- "year" found 17629 times in 7233 documents
... with one spaceship flying once a week. Providing all goes well, this will increase to a flight a day within a fairly short period, from different locations throughout ...
Definitely no squishing allowed—there's no economy class in a Virgin Galactic Spaceship It is really important that every ...
... time. There are now several companies that are working hard to make such a trip much more affordable than it is today. By the year 2010, or maybe even sooner, you may be able to get to the edge of space—a so-called sub-orbital trip—for between $100,000 and $250,000. The trip to the low Earth orbit will probably be much more expensive for a long time. Although there are many people trying to ...
The more you know about space and space travel before you go, the better the trip will be so spend lots of time reading your Kids to Space: A Space Travelers' Guide. Keep ... —the lighter the passengers the higher we can go Good spacelines like Virgin Galactic will give you plenty of time—around three full days—to get fully prepared ... . This will include g-force training in light aircraft, simulator training, and lectures. We want each passenger to able to savor every second of the flight itself but more importantly, we will not ...
... simply depend on how many guests would be going to stay in space. It is possible that the first space station module would be open for business and receiving guests by the year 2015.
Answer ...
... advance how much oxygen you will need during your space trip and will make sure you have enough stored oxygen to last. The oxygen tanks on board the spacecraft are pretty large and will not be changed out once you leave the Earth. In the future, you may have personal oxygen tanks which can be re-filled or changed out ...
... we will probably not be able to watch all our favorite TV shows, because there will not be enough TV channels being transmitted to us. The reception for the TV channels we will get, however, will be very good. We can bring along videos and video games, provided that we don't overuse our electricity. And there won't be cable
Answer provided ...
When we go to the Moon, there will probably be a stop-off at an Earth orbiting hotel first, before going on to the destination ... the Moon. The Moon itself may become a stopping-off point when we begin taking trips to Mars.
Answer provided by Derek Webber
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted ...
... possible that there are an infinite number of dimensions in space. Some new ideas, called string theory, describe the structure of atoms and the Universe using thirteen dimensions How can there be more dimensions ... dimensions using mathematics has led to some promising ideas that can describe both gravity and how atoms are put together. This is something that no single physical theory can currently do ...
... JB) There probably will not be a dentist on board in case of emergency, and there can be dental problems in space. On the Soyuz 28 flight in 1978, Yuri Romanenko was reported ... got the tooth fixed quickly once he got back to Earth. If there is a dental problem, however, there is equipment on board to put in a temporary filling, cover a broken ... of the crew get training in dental procedures so that they know how to use the equipment on board. Plus, there is equipment to put in Novocaine or some other anesthesia so ...
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