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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "09._What_kinds_of_plants_might_grow" retrieved in 0.016 sec with these stats:

  • "09" found 1688 times in 893 documents
  • "what" found 14834 times in 2583 documents
  • "kind" found 4306 times in 863 documents
  • "of" found 295477 times in 20552 documents
  • "plant" found 1360 times in 860 documents
  • "might" found 4203 times in 2304 documents
  • "grow" found 983 times in 712 documents

Choosing the correct type of plant is crucial. It is very expensive and time-consuming to grow plants in space, and therefore we would choose the plants that would give us the most benefit for ... put into growing them. We would choose plants that are edible and have a high ratio of edible to inedible mass—lettuce, for example, would be a good choice because the plant is ...
... . You might need pliers, a socket wrench set, torq bits, screwdriver, screwdriver bits and a power drill. Without knowing what work you plan to do, it is hard to know exactly what tools ...
What's going to be important on the Moon in the early days is to have food that creates a minimal amount of waste excretion, with little smell. This was exactly the kind of ... just be making more of them for shipment to the Moon. Once we get established on the Moon, with greenhouses, home cooking will be much more popular. What's cooked, though, may ... settlements will be to become self-sufficient in food production. Because of the limitations of space and labor, the basic diet of the Moon early on will be mostly vegetarian, with soy proteins ...
... need to bring all the chemicals or plants or animals that are the subjects of our mission, and the equipment to mix, or modify, or grow them. Cameras for observation and laboratory test equipment like thermometers must be packed for the trip too. It might also ...
... a shrub or a tree for the plant growth habitat, it would need to have some advantageous attributes. For example, citrus trees might be chosen because of their high productivity and unique nutritional qualities, whereas a pine tree would not likely be chosen because of its near lack of food productivity, large size ...
... , communications, motors, and many other things. We can produce electricity using fuel cells, large arrays of solar cells, solar dynamic generators—for example, parabolic mirrors that concentrate the Sun's rays on a sodium pump, nuclear generators, and of course, batteries. If we had a base on the Moon or Mars, we might mine minerals to use in electrical power generators. ---- Answer ...
Most of the early homes and work places will be modules and inflatable structures brought from Earth ... lunar surface, will be a lot different from a greenhouse with fresh oxygen from the plants. The administrator's office will probably be a dull desk in a windowless underground room ...
... use other parts for its new vehicles. One of the solid rocket boosters of the Shuttle system, for example, may become the main part of a new system. NASA may create a new capsule, a larger modern version of the Apollo capsule, and send it to orbit on top of one solid rocket booster. NASA also wants to try something ...
Just like coming back from a really busy vacation, you might need some time to rest. In addition, you will probably need some exercise to help ...
... at school, you need to know exactly what to do, almost by heart. You will rehearse all of the procedures for normal operations and learn what to do in an emergency. For your launch training, you learn what to do if your spacecraft has ... for problems that could happen once you are weightless. Training for landing will focus on what to do if your landing gear or parachutes don't work correctly. ---- Answer provided by ...

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