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From The Space Library
Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "10._Will_there_be_biospheres" retrieved in 0.011 sec with these stats:
- "10" found 47168 times in 17591 documents
- "will" found 24730 times in 5032 documents
- "there" found 19718 times in 3479 documents
- "be" found 50529 times in 10727 documents
- "biospher" found 73 times in 49 documents
There will be a great variety of science labs at many locations in outer space—on the Moon or on Mars, for instance. There is also likely to be something like a biosphere at most ...
There will always be alternate landing sites. The Space Shuttle has three sites to choose from in the United ... runway, any aerospace vehicle would or must have the same options. These alternate sites can be anywhere on the ground track and within the cross range of the vehicle. Simply put ...
... planned and built into the environment. However, in space, texture may be one of a variety of solutions that can be used to improve the challenges of travel in micro-gravity.
Answer ...
... we will probably not be able to watch all our favorite TV shows, because there will not be enough TV channels being transmitted to us. The reception for the TV channels we will get, however, will be very good. We can bring along videos and video games, provided that we don't overuse our electricity. And there won't be cable
Answer provided ...
... there will definitely be a need for traffic controllers and various air traffic control facilities, just as we have airports, seaports and highway control facilities. And while we hope that there will not be crashes, we will ...
... . There are now several companies that are working hard to make such a trip much more affordable than it is today. By the year 2010, or maybe even sooner, you may be ... and $250,000. The trip to the low Earth orbit will probably be much more expensive for a long time. Although there are many people trying to get the price down below a ... . If they're successful, by 2020 you'll not only be able to fly to space, you'll be able to stay there for a long time.
Answer provided by Ben Reytblat
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... JB) There probably will not be a dentist on board in case of emergency, and there can be dental problems in space. On the Soyuz 28 flight in 1978, Yuri Romanenko was reported ... got the tooth fixed quickly once he got back to Earth. If there is a dental problem, however, there is equipment on board to put in a temporary filling, cover a broken ... in dental procedures so that they know how to use the equipment on board. Plus, there is equipment to put in Novocaine or some other anesthesia so this dental work wouldn ...
There will be facilities that you would expect to support spacecraft and space travelers, but there will also be facilities to support ordinary civilian spacefarers. These facilities will include lodging, travel centers and spaceports, recreation facilities, centers ...
There will be many new things to become accustomed to in spaceships, space stations and space hotels, but there will probably be fewer startling movements, unexpected smells, and sudden sounds than on Earth.
Answer provided by ...
There are limited medical facilities in space. On some occasions there is an astronaut on board who was a doctor before becoming an astronaut. For the foreseeable future there will not be paramedical staff on ...
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