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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "11._Are_there_dust_storms" retrieved in 0.008 sec with these stats:
- "11" found 38941 times in 14393 documents
- "are" found 19853 times in 5598 documents
- "there" found 19718 times in 3479 documents
- "dust" found 1172 times in 636 documents
- "storm" found 1023 times in 557 documents
There are no dust storms in space like we experience on the ground.
Answer provided by Robert P. McCoy, Ph. ...
There are planets and asteroids out there that are made up of carbon, and carbon under extremely high pressures creates diamonds, so yes, it is possible and probable that there are rubies and diamonds in space. There are certain types of space rock, known as carbonaceous chondrite, which are thought to be broken bits of asteroids that ...
There are no windows inside the airlock. The first time an astronaut sees outside is when he ...
Because living and working in space can involve many potential risks, astronauts train extensively before their missions so that they'll be prepared for almost any eventuality. In addition, the crew is supported by a large ground crew that provides the crew with explicit details of tested procedures in the event that they run into a situation that could not be foreseen.
Answer provided by ...
On Mercury, the days are extremely hot, the nights are extremely cold and it has no atmosphere. On Venus, the atmospheric pressure is so great ... rains sulfuric acid. Mars has big dust storms, but we can survive them, just as people and animals who live in the deserts on Earth survive dust storms. We cannot land on the gas ...
There are geo-magnetic storms caused by disturbances on the Sun. These can be seen on the Earth as increased ...
There are storms in space but they are unlike storms on Earth which can be a combination of high wind, rain and even oppressive heat. ...
... often—many times throughout the year— but most are very tiny with just one or two meteors per hour. There are three fairly strong showers—60 to 100 meteors per ... , on the average of a couple of times per century, we will have a meteor storm of several thousand meteors per hour.
Answer provided by Alan Hale, Ph.D. & Capt. USN ...
... Moondust in which a tourist bus on the Moon sinks into a lake of Moon dust and becomes trapped. While a frightening thought, and one that seriously concerned early lunar scientists ... core samples. Unlike mush spots on Earth these would have no water, but be only dust.
Answer provided by Thomas Matula, Ph.D. & Kenneth J. Murphy
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question ...
... contaminants around the Station was a factor in not selecting this concept for this application. There are several types of electro-thermal rockets, including resisto-jets, arc-jets, induction-heated jets, and ... high voltages or magnetic fields. There are many different types of electric thrusters. The electric power to operate these thrusters is currently provided by solar panels, and there are plans to someday use nuclear ...
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