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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "11._Should_we_pack_a_sweater" retrieved in 0.014 sec with these stats:

  • "11" found 38941 times in 14393 documents
  • "should" found 4275 times in 2282 documents
  • "we" found 51112 times in 4364 documents
  • "pack" found 335 times in 253 documents
  • "a" found 169943 times in 18151 documents
  • "sweater" found 8 times in 3 documents

... the Shuttle, it is essentially a shirt-sleeve environment and some people are chilly while others may be warm. So if you chill easily, you will need a sweater. ---- Answer provided by Roger ... /For%20Kids/KidstoSpace.html Click here Category:Kids To Space Category:Kids To Space - PACKING
... be nice to have. You can just sleep in your clothing, but you will have a sound-proof sleeping enclosure to allow you privacy. In the earlier days of the Space Shuttle, the astronauts would slip into a bag and attach themselves to the wall and sleep. ---- Answer provided by Lonnie Moffitt Image ...
... done on the ground to prevent any contamination of the breathable air supply on board a spacecraft like the Space Shuttle or International Space Station (ISS). Think about how unbearable even something like a new car smell can become if your car has been parked in the Sun and ... the meal packages are opened. This is why crews look forward to the arrival of a Progress resupply spacecraft which, with its assortment of fresh fruits and foods, always brings the ...
Since there are no seasons, your clothing will be the same all the time. The only thing that concerns you will be whether the Sun is being shielded by the Earth and you are in darkness or you are in direct sunlight. It gets very, very cold in the vacuum of space. Loose-fitting and comfortable clothing is what you will need. Synthetic clothing is preferred to some of the other materials. ---- ...
When you go to space, don't expect to run into Buzz Aldrin , but do expect to be amazed and astonished. There was one thing not even the most extensive training could prepare me for: the awe and wonder I felt at seeing our beautiful Earth, the fragile atmosphere at its horizon, and the vast blackness of space against which it was set. ---- Answer provided by Dennis Tito Image:K2S ...
Watch many of the science fiction movies or read science fiction books to discover what many fictional people have done when they encountered aliens for the first time. ---- Answer provided by Robby Gaines Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer Image:9781894959421.jpg '''Buy This Book''' http ...
... 's not likely. Just like we won't be wasting oxygen or water, we probably won't see much wasted light from a moonbase. While here on Earth we can be profligate in shining light up into space at night, light energy on the Moon will be a precious resource. There ... power towers at the lunar poles, but most of the activity will be underground. Once we get a dome up, though, things may be different. ---- Answer provided by Thomas Matula, Ph.D ...
... unique machine and could only work if we had a very good forcefield since no materials would survive such temperatures. We have no force fields of any kind yet and have no real ...
Usually all the food is provided by NASA. We select our choices from a wide variety of dishes and they are packed and stowed for us on the vehicle prior to launch. There ... the NASA staff to insure quality and to minimize food spoiling prior to ingestion so we do not get sick. ---- Answer provided by Charles Camarda, Ph.D. & Nicholas Patrick, Ph.D ...
... something that was very heavy collided with you, it could hurt depending on the speed. We plan for these items and keep them on tethers or ropes, so that they won ...

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