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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "11._Where_would_your_residence_be" retrieved in 0.011 sec with these stats:

  • "11" found 38941 times in 14393 documents
  • "where" found 6783 times in 2658 documents
  • "would" found 42637 times in 9226 documents
  • "your" found 4691 times in 605 documents
  • "resid" found 700 times in 503 documents
  • "be" found 50529 times in 10727 documents

I would like a home on the Moon. ---- Answer provided by John Spencer Image:K2S logosmall.jpg ...
... can move in any direction needed so you are free to define your boundaries in any way that suits your needs. So if you were an astronaut in an orbit in space ... away from the Earth with the Shuttle doors wide open to allow trapped heat to be given off. So there you are—it is all a matter of perspective. ---- Answer ...
Could we jump on the beds? Would we have blankets, pillows, sleeping bags or hammocks? Would we have to be zipped in or tethered or tied to something? In weightless conditions, there is no need to sleep horizontally. Beds may be placed vertically on a ... need to sleep horizontally. If you wish to jump on the bed, just be careful not to hit your head on the ceiling ---- Answer provided by Robert T. Bigelow Image:K2S logosmall ...
Mission controllers will be located anywhere there are space vehicles arriving, departing or resting. This will likely include low Earth orbit (LEO), where the Space Shuttle currently travels, and possibly a lunar orbit or other locations in space. It is even possible that there may be multiple mission control centers ...
... 250 miles above the Earth. In a few years there will be more people living in the ISS. Then there will be a private space hotel and then several others. In 20 years there should be well over 100 people in Earth orbit and more on the Moon. The Moon will ... and rocks to make air and water and fuel and to be able to grow food. The first space community will be a combination of people living in Earth orbit and on ...
... in systems is sealed to prevent leakage into the ship's air. Floating water can be a hazard to both astronauts and their equipment. For instance, if an astronaut heats up ...
... known as transient lunar events (TLE) thought to be associated with volcanic and radioactive decay gases venting to the lunar surface. At locations where you have regular traffic, a prepared surface is ...
It depends where in the rings you try to penetrate. It might be possible to penetrate gaps in the rings. But everywhere else, it would be like a blizzard of material, and very dangerous ...
... have instruments on board that can answer three questions: Where am I? How am I oriented? Where is everything else? These data will be transmitted to ground control through communication satellites. We can ...
... rovers scouting out the territory to figure out the best place to go. It might be good to go to one of the Martian moons first, to check it out before ...

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