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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "11._Will_phone_cards_work" retrieved in 0.008 sec with these stats:
- "11" found 38941 times in 14393 documents
- "will" found 24730 times in 5032 documents
- "phone" found 506 times in 288 documents
- "card" found 268 times in 130 documents
- "work" found 18362 times in 5290 documents
... now, there is no need for phone cards in space because there are no phones. When using NASA's communication system, there is no need for a phone and there are no bills for minutes. However, if we have enough people living and working in space, we will probably have people that need things like cell phones and phone cards.
Answer ...
Yes. As more and more countries send their residents into space, there will be a need to establish something like an embassy facility to allow each nation to ... citizens. There will also need to be some rules for entry and exit to any given space settlement and something like a passport may be required. There is much work yet to ...
Spacelines will start operation in 2010 or 2011 to commercially carry NASA astronauts and others to and ...
... far away from your family and friends as it is possible to be. But there will be ways to talk to your families and friends and even to your pet if you want We will have good communication equipment with e-mail, video, voice and maybe even holographic images like ...
Mars is probably the planet that will receive the first visitors from Earth, and it may be the only one for a ...
... should there be an emergency abort. Outside the spacecraft and when exposed to space, you will always need a spacesuit.
Answer provided by Lonnie Moffitt & Russell Romanella
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg ...
... 29 to continue upgrades to the orbiting laboratory’s power system. Experts from NASA will preview this work in a briefing at 2 p.m. EDT Tuesday, Sept. 18, at NASA’s ... newsroom no later than 4 p.m. Monday, Sept. 17. Media interested in participating by phone must contact the newsroom by 1:45 p.m. Sept. 18.
Participants in the briefing ... McCracken, spacewalk robotics officer
The equipment to be installed will be delivered on a Japanese H-II Transfer Vehicle cargo craft. The installation work will begin on Earth, when ground controllers use the ...
... we can and will live and work on the Moon. In the near future it will be for short periods, but we'll be constantly building and expanding, and eventually we will have people ...
... ." There are many, many ways to build a space transport, and most of them will in fact work. But some may be less risky than others, or less expensive to build or ...
... than noon CST Wednesday, Dec. 17, to request approval. Approved media will be notified that afternoon and those participating by phone will need to call the Johnson newsroom at least 15 minutes before ... our planet is changing. The agency shares this unique knowledge with the global community and works with institutions in the United States and around the world that contribute to understanding and ...
Additional database time was 0.035 sec.
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