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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "12._How_do_we_exist" retrieved in 0.009 sec with these stats:

  • "12" found 38852 times in 14387 documents
  • "how" found 9066 times in 2689 documents
  • "do" found 16375 times in 2434 documents
  • "we" found 51112 times in 4364 documents
  • "exist" found 2353 times in 1646 documents

... nuclear reactions. But now we have to explain how stars exist You can see that the question gets bigger and bigger. All I've really described is how we exist, not why we exist. There is no scientific way to answer the question why we exist ...
... landing a simple calculation is completed. There are some known facts: how fast we are going, how high we are, and where we want to land. This is an energy-versus-range calculation which determines ...
... answer three questions: Where am I? How am I oriented? Where is everything else? These data will be transmitted to ground control through communication satellites. We can use this information, verify it with our own readings from the ground, and use it to plot our course so we know how and when to reach the hotel in space. ---- Answer provided by Robert T. Bigelow ...
... habitats and eventually cities in space and on the Moon and Mars. We understand the space environment well so we know how to design for living there safely. People from many specialties such ...
We do not wash clothes in space. The Shuttle will bring all crewmembers' used clothing back home ...
... then your body actually moves the food to your stomach. If you want, try to do a headstand against the wall, have a friend help you so that you don't ... net force. Most of our food on the Space Shuttle was packaged in plastic containers. We would cut open part of the top of the container and use a spoon or ...
... look up to see the stars to understand where we are. After a while, they become familiar, and you feel like you are looking at ...
Humans are the same here and in space, and we need the same things to survive: food, air, water, and protection from the weather. The ...
The two astronaut crewmembers spend most of their time doing required maintenance work on the Shuttle—a situation that will continue until the ISS ...
In case of failure, the usual procedure is to use the backup, if one is available. Next, the mission may be modified or shortened to provide a safe return, if possible. Third, repairs may be attempted if the failed unit is accessible, if the astronauts have the proper repair skills, and if a replacement part or repair kit is available. Astronauts are resourceful and innovative, and operations ...

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